XUELI is currently down with flu and a slight fever.
i'm sick again! i'm so weak.
how great it is to be sick at this moment when i'm like so moody+heartbroken+frustrated.
Good. everythinq falls on me at one shot.
i only had one meal for today, which is my lunch i had with huizhi buddy.
i've no appetite at all.
&at the same time quarrelled with my parents over some issue. what-the-fish!
i've got no mood to quarrelled with them.
whatever, nag at me for all they wants.
can't i have some peace, uh?
i'm so fucked up with everything.
and i seems like a nobody to you now, right?
not even a friend i guess.
u don't even wanna let me know things about you, don't even wanna talk to me.
nevermind, its okay.
Before i go,
thanks for those tags given at my tagboard.
you people are such a sweetie.
though some, i might not know who you are.
but those encouragement and consoling are appreciated.
0nce again, a big thank you to all peeps and readers. ((:
give me some more time ya.
Goodbye all readers.
"only you can make me smile again."
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