i'm back to bloqqing ya.
Before i continued, PETE the PIG is the best gentleman i've ever met. thanks for ur companion that night, you really make me smile. And thanks for sending me home to the doorstep to make sure i'm safely back home. hugs*
0h wells, today went town-inq with yan binq sis & yan conq.
supposed to have more people joininq us but end up all las mins have somethin on.
whatever. &honestly, i hate last minutes changes.
nevermind, headed to taka, look for Ben ben at his workplace.
its been awhile since i last met him, i'm glad to see that he is really workinq hard. is a good sign isn't?
he accompany us to makan lunch, chit-chat with him abit.
then he went back to work.
i went emo and a little bit upset after that.
but luckily i've Sis & yan conq with me, they cheer me up & let me feel that i'm not alone.
for the sake of them, i try to fake a smile in order not to make them worry.
to cheer me up a lil bit,
we went to Shaw to buy movie tickets.
we Caught the movie " the happening".

Me and Sis wanted to watch shows that will make us laugh, but most of the movie yan conq have already watched.
So we got no choice, we watched those shows that he haven't watched before yet.
Yan Conq, we are so great right?. heh.
nevermind, shall catch those comedy show with Sis the next time i go with her then.
we still have time before movie starts at 63o, so we went shoppinq around.
Sis and I bought the same tube top toqether.
Had lots of with fun with her.
& i'm sorry yan conq if we did left you 0ut at times ya.
Cam-whored with Sis as we still have some time to waste before the movie starts. =x
Back to the movie, the movie ain't really worth to watch la. Not a really good show. aww.. LOUSY.
the seats, the screen all damns damns kns la. =x
Golden Villaqe is still the Best, agreed? agreed?
After the show, continued to shop around, yan conq left to meet his friend first.
Night time at Town is ♥ .
Had a really good talk with Sis.
Dear sis,
You are the first friend i made in School. although we only know each other for 2months, but we seems to understand each other v.well. You'r just like a Big big sister to me la. i know i'm makinq you worried about me all the time, i know i'm v.stubborn right sis? but whatever thinqs u've said to me, i do listen.
& i just wanna say,
SIS, thanks for beinq there for me when i need a listeninq ear and givinq me advices. i LOVES you ya <3.>
& not forgettinq the rest of my classmates, they rocks BIG TIME too!

I Love You
[dremer]: hello
hellos. you are?.
[Peiishann]: ohh..i in Early childhood lo..eu can go in NP one! no worries! i believe eu can..hoho
oh, u'r in early childhood? so fast hw's it? everythin alright? hopefully, i can really get into NP ba! haas. see ya ard:D
[:D]: it's time that you really move on. stop hanging onto something which doesn't meant to be yours in the first place. cheer up, ditch away those unhappy memories of that guy, and find someone who really appreciates you.
Hellos :D, thanks for droppin by and left me a tag. yup, i agreed i should move on.
but memories are still memories, is hard to forget. i'm trying my best to move on already, but i don't understand why am i still hanqing onto something which doesn't belonq to me. to admit, i still love him.
[Hui Min]: I blieve one day u will walk out of black n white..
yes girl, i hope too. hais.
[`HUILI]: buddy, i liike yours THEY BULLY ME photo. know why i liike it??
[`HUILI]: because i also wanna bully you can?!!
[`HUILI]: oops. haas. meet up soon for our photos session barhs. ke yi marhs? byebye^^
wah, buddy!! u damn bad lei, wanna bully me? how can like that? haha. nvm, come bully me then. i'm not scared. lols. yea yea, i miss photo sessions with you too! misses ya la. :D
[HUIZHI]: love you too lah. =)
yea yea. love you, love you lah. :D
[cOnG™]: u oso go eat just acia....tat place is every sat go eat de....free flow ice cream and drink...shiok like hell siia...wat leave oso can
[cOnG™]: Nuren....smile more...dun always gib moody face....like ppl owe uu money =X ....jkjk take care heehee
yup yup, i went there too. the food there is really worth ur money man. haha. don't forget you promised to treat me go there eat de hor. oops. =x
wah, like that say me? how dare youu! haha.
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