sup people ((:
as usual, lessons always ends at 113o on monday.
kena nag by someone ytd, so aft sch i went to popular book store to buy
maths o's lvls ass book!
okok, o's retakinq examination is getting nearer & nearer.
i admit, i haven't started to revise yet.
but i will start, as promise.
i hope it isn't too late ya!
then went to trim my fringe too.
arghh, im having kuku fringe now la.
i look like a nerd now. =x lols.
aft that, went 0ver t0 huizhi's buddy h0use.
i helped her dyed her hair, she help me dyed mine too.
&im smelling holidays.
this wk is the last week 0f the term. YAY! YAY!
Anyway, i'm helpinq my friend to advertise.
there will be a Underage party @ St james on 12 june. (thurs)
tickets selling at 15 bucks(not fixed, might be lower than that)
interested tell me.
[Hui Min]: omg omg omg! i dint check euu out euu go hurt urself?! Wad happen??? Dun lyk tat lehh... Mus treasure urself...
Gal, i was feeling so stress up, so i hurt myself. sorry. Don't worry, i will treasure myself & won't do it again.
[Peiishan]: wad happens??stay strong...((:hmm..i m fine ..currently in NP! hope yr wish will true..work hard and come to NP!! haas..how i got yr blog??hmm if i din rmb wrongly,i got it by linking from cong bahhs
[Peiishan]: hoho..i jus created a blog..not long ago..haas..anwae..don take things hard! Don worry be happy! JIA YOU!
Nothing much, having some relationships issue. i will stay stronq, don't worry. which course are u taking now? i will work hard & get into NP. BUT BUT BUT.. don't know when then i could get in lo. sighs. anyway, thanks. u take care uh. ((:
[winner]: xueli is a emotional gal, sometimes being single is not a bad thing don think too much about relationship, you still got many many good friends around.
[winner]: hope dat for right now jus move on and study hard plus play hard too.. cheers
[winner]: can see that alot of your friends are cheering you up.. jus move on yah xueli take care always and most importantly be happy
hellos winner(: thanks for ur tag. i really appreciated it. may i know u r? yea, u are right. being single is a good thing too. i'm glad to have many friends around. don't worry, give me some time, and i will be back to what i used to be. thanks! take care too. :))
[kt]: u're so emo.2 b happy or nt depends on hw u see e issues.it's ur pt of view ger.
yea. i know. give me some time ya. thanks anyway.
[HUIZHI]: bud, you know we r always here for you. see this matter with an open heart, if not its not going to do you any good. we want the happy xueli back, posting happy post. love you okay!
buddy! buddy! yes, yes, i know i knows u people will always be here for me especially you! don't worry, i will be back to what i used to be de. and i just wanna say I LOVE YOU TOO! u'r the best buddy i ever had! loves.
[`HUILI]: wa!! my name. i saw my name!! saw my face too. kanna change alots sia. long hair short hair. short hair long hair. thannks. wish you find someone who he love you more than you love!
[`HUILI]: An adversity is a challenge. you must overcome before you see your happiness. i suppose barhs. you'r loved! (;
yes girl. ur hair style really keep changinq. haha. miss ur short hair ma? u look cute with short hair la. =x
yea, an adversity is a challenge & i don't know how many more challenge i still need to go through la. seriously, i'm sick of all those challenges already. arghh. hopefully, someone might appreciate me one day. u'r loved too! ((:
[reader]: move on. being upset about it doesnt help. be happy.
hellos reader, thanks. i will move on. take care uh.
and finally, i found the time to reply tags.
To yulinq:
i know how you are feel. but seriously if you think that by lying to yourself isn't doing u good then don't lied to yourself anymore. don't force yourself anymore. i don't wish to see you in this state, ok? Promise me, don't force urself to do things which will make urself even worst. will ya?
And i can tell you the truth, i ain't feelinq good too.
anyway, girl, take good care of yourself.
i'm having holiday soon, i will have time for you already.
alright, i'm going off soon.
to you.
i miss you still.
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