sup people(:
finally, i found the time to blog.
yesterday, woke up earlier than usual in the morninq to meet huili buddy for breakfast.
Went 0ver t0 honq kah east MAC to had breakfast instead.
its been awhile since i last ate MAC breakfast ya.

chit-chat, slacked awhile, went bac to JP and home-sweet-home.
i was still feelinq tired, so i took a nap.
woke up, bath-ed & prepared myself and headed to JP to meet Yan Binq sis for dinner.
Aftermath, we slacked at Jp while waitinq for Penq Hock and Louis.
It's been almost a wk since i last saw them, and i really misses them luhs, miss their lame jokes only! Tsk.. Tsk..
Louis reached first, he suggested to go 651.
And so we headed there while waiting for Peng Hock.
Slacked at the coffeeshop, d0 some catchinq up with each other.
Sis need to reach home at about 11, so peng hock send her home.
they ask mi to go louis condo there to slack, but i was too tired to do so, so i went home instead.
wow. what a day!
Can holiday faster end?. i'm gettinq bored already.
i rather spent time in school studyin, at least i've wonderful classmates to entertain me. lala ~
0h wells, today supposed to catch a movie at town with peng hock, louis together with Sis.
but peng hock & louis couldn't make it.
Argh, sighs. Nvm.
So i meet up with Sis instead.
we went Vivo, lunch-ed at Long John Silver.
i bought a T-shirt.
Shop around the whole shoppin mall till the both of us bored to death!
Lols! even though Vivo is BIG.
But i tell you, you can walked until sian de lorr! -.-"
Headed home aftermath for dinner as i promised mum to had dinner at home.
0h wells. photos for the day!

And and and lastly before i go, tell you people a secret. SHHHSSS!
Pete the dumb pig has slept frm morn 3am till now. you people count how many hrs he had slept!
Arghhh! and its really damns difficult to wake him up la. =x
Nvm, i'm off to disturb him le. hiak hiak ~
Goodbyes people. ((:
"sometimes if you can sense it, you will realise i still misses you alot alot."
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