Hellos humans. (:
Time really flies and now is already the month of July.
0mg. is already July!
i'm dead beat now, gonna make a short post then.
0h wells.
today i woke up at 830am, thanks dumb pig for the morninq call ya.
N0 ch0ice g0t t0 wake up early and acc my bro to visit the dental at HPB.
Cabbed down all the way there, waited for my bro for f.lonq before everything was completed.
But.. he still complains that his tooth is still hurting. argh. poor him.
think he gonna go down again.
Reached hme around 2pm, took a quick nap.
Woke up get myself prepared & get my ass out of the hse to meet Pete(dumb pig).
As promised, i went to his aunt's hse to have dinner instead.
I was like so nervous la. =x
Cause first time meetin his aunt & havin dinner at his aunt hse man!
We went walking ard bukit panjang plaza before gg up to his aunt hse.
Actually it wasn't scary as i thought.
his aunt and uncle were v.friendly. especially his uncle, damns lame lo!
His aunt's dishes was good, I LIKE I LIKE. (:
The doggy at their hse is cute lahs.
Upon seein me, the doggy keep come following me and even lick me! aww ~
Pete keep asking the doggy to lick me luhs.
Pete that dumb pig, always findinq ways to bully me. >.< shitty him.
Aftermath, we left his aunt house.
Then pete send me home.
And here i am blogginq!
Gonna visit yuling tml(:
alrights, im feeling damns sleepy now.
Gonna hit the blankets soon. :D
BYE people(:
Oh ya, 22 days to my birthday!
I know i've already been forgotten by you.
u hasn't been talking to mi.
hais. forget it.
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