[`HUILI] : u are tagged ! see my blog and answer the qns.
yup yup. i saw it! i'll bloq the qns asap! (:
[Hui Min] : Oh! ur b'day comin.. Too bad... I cant club.. LoL.. I will date u out soon.. Kekeke... Hmmm.. SMile
Yup yup, my b'dae is cominq. haha, cannot club with me nvm.. But BUT.. must celebrate with me & present must reach hor! lols. im kiddin. (: date me out soon, pretty! i know u'r busy, but spare some time for me. :D
[cOnG™ ] : at 7-eleven lo...hugging ur bf than nv saw mi...i even walk past uu....haiz sad...
oops! =x i'm really sorry! really didn't saw you! next time don't walk past me, must call me ya. okok? ((:
[`HUILI] : last long. your boy is a nice one uh. same sch as me sia. Come find me if you gonna find him there. he got so handsome marhs?
[`HUILI] : i wanna see see nah. then i can spy on him. oops. hees. last long.
thanks girl (: i will surely find you if i'm gonna find him there. yesterday, i did went over, but couldn't managed to find you. ha. to me, he's handsome lahs. >.<>
take care girl, meet up soon. :D
[=)] : post the pictures of you and your bf. =D
Hellos, pictures of me & my bf is on the right side bottom corner of my blog. I'm sorry if the photo looks unclear ya.
[Pete] : i'll love u wif all i got n will nv gif up u~!~!~!NV NEVER。。。。。。我爱你 Pete Love Xue Li 易德爱雪莉
Baby, i love you too! & i promised i won't let you go too. muackks :D
[HUIZHI] : weet weet weet~
LALALAS ~ haha. :D
Everythinq's fine with me & baby already.
School as usual today.
Was raininq damn heavily while i was on the way to school.
Got myself half-drenched lahs. Damn it!
Baby came over to school to fetch me today.
Then headed to Bukit panjanq.
Baby bring me to dine in at Cafe cartel for early dinner.
It's been awhile since i last dine in there man.

I told baby that thailand trip that i will be going for 2weeks in sept is confirmed.
2 FUCKING weeks man!
how am i qonna survived there without baby!!
teacher say there will be no using of phones unless we have urgent phone calls to make.
arghhh!! die die die.
baby asked me not to go.
Cause he can't survive without me for Fuckinq 2 weeks too. sighs.
For the time beinq, i shall treasure the time left with baby before i leave for thailand trip.
I'm havinq menses cramp.
& i promised baby to turn in to bed early.
Gonna go.
Bye readers. (: mwahs.
&baby, i'm lovinq you more & more each day.
Time spent with you is always never enough!
i miss you baby. (:
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