Hellos humans ((:
finally i managed to diq out time to do a proper blogginq ya.
Been busy-inq, thus neglect my blog.
0h wells, this whole week, most of my time are spent with my Baby boy.
i've been meetinq Baby from monday to saturday.
Time really pass fast when i'm with Baby, when i'm not with Baby, time seems as if is not movinq lahz. sighs.
Time is always not enouqh with baby, i wanna spend more time with baby!
Can time please slow down a lil bit when i'm with baby? please? -.-
Alright, enough of the crap.
bac to the topic. ((:
I'm kinda of stress up recently, havinq some problems with my parents regardinq our relationship issues.
So Baby came down to fetch me and at the same time wait for my mama to come back and have a talk with her.
Shall go into the details about that later. ((:
After talkinq to my mama, baby & I headed to town.
went over to Taka, to buy my yan binq's sis birthday presents.
Yupp, her birthday falls on Monday.
& so coincidence, hui zhi buddy & her dar dar, alvin went to taka too.
meet the lovely couple awhile, chit-chat abit & parted.
Baby Boy, bouqht me a Baby pooh.

Cute cute!

Baby pooh in spects.
Aftermath, Me & Baby headed to ang mo kio.
Went to his parents house.Slacked awhile at his house while waitinq for his mom to bath and get ready.
Baby's father drive us to ang mo kio nearby coffee shop to eat dinner.
Baby's uncle, sis and jiefu joined us too.
0rdered alot of food, ate till damn full lahz.
Baby is really sweet! he will help me peel off the prawn s'kin, and make sure there's no more fish bone before servinq it to me! aww~ sweet.
baby's family is fun-lovinq i must say!
After the dinner, Baby's uncle drive us to the mrt station.
then we headed back to cine to catch movie.
&thanks baby's classmate, Ivan who works at cathay, he help us to book the couple's seat ticket in advance.
thanks Dude!
We caught the "Hell Boy 2".

Hell Boy - After an ancient truce existing between humankind and the invisible realm of the fantastic is broken, hell on Earth is ready to erupt. A ruthless leader who treads the world above and the one below defies his bloodline and awakens an unstoppable army of creatures. Now, it's up to the planet's toughest, roughest superhero to battle the merciless dictator and his marauders. He may be red. He may be horned. He may be misunderstood. But when you need the job done right, it's time to call in Hellboy (Ron Perlman). Along with his expanding team in the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Development--pyrokinetic girlfriend Liz (Selma Blair), aquatic empath Abe (Doug Jones) and protoplasmic mystic Johann--the BPRD will travel between the surface strata and the unseen magical one, where creatures of fantasy become corporeal. And Hellboy, a creature of two worlds who's accepted by neither, must choose between the life he knows and an unknown destiny that beckons him.
Quite a nice & touchinq show to watch yo. (:
Didn't catch the first Hell boy movie, but baby boy say the first one was much better compared to the second one.
After the movie, there were already no more train services.
So baby & I just walk and walk, cause we still wanna spend more time with each other.
Walked till Douby Ghaut to wait for night rider.
Chatted with Baby about lots of stuff.
Like what i've mentioned earlier on, baby and I are meeting with some obstacles.
Firstly, is about my parents regardinq our relationship.
My dad still seems to disapproved our relationship.
I just don't understand, what's wrong with us beinq together?
Why can't he just give us his blessinqs?
We'r serious in this relationship can't he tell?
He expect me to break off with him just b'cus he disapproves? It's impossible.
And my mama, i don't know what's on her mind.
Baby talked to her yesterday, she say is my dad who disapproved and she doesn't objects us being together.
She just hope that we know how to think and put studies in the piority first.
But .. but.. why does she still talks to me coldly?
i'm really lost and don't know what i shld do.
i'm trying to talk to her but she just don't seems like wanna talk to me.
what does she want from me?
why can't she listen to me some time?
why can't she try to understand me?.
Well, Secondly is about me and Baby.
I cried in the bus while on the way home.
i'm just kinda of disappointed.
Yes baby, i know why you didn't wanna tell me the truth earlier.
But do you know when you tell me the truth now, my heart hurts. really damn hurt mahs?
i know what you are worryinq about.
You are worried that if u've found a job, you won't have much time for me.
You afraid that you might neglect me because of that.
You afraid that i might use this reason to ditch you just like what your ex-girlfriends did to you.
I told you i won't.
You have no confidence in me or is it you don't trust me?.
I told you no matter how tough the path we'r gonna walk through, i'll walk with you.
I'll overcome every obstacles with you.
Trust me baby, i'm not gonna give you up so easily.
And i've promised i'll never gonna let you go.
i don't want you because of me and sacrificed so many things.
i will feel guilty.
i know even if you'r going to work soon, you will also try to dig out time for me.
Even if i'm only able to get to see you for 5mins, i'm contented.
Baby, next time be frank to me alrights?
&i'm sorry, i always cry and make you worried for me.

I just wanna say I LOVE YOU! mwahs! ((:
& hopefully, mama will talk to me like how she used to talk to me soon.
Goodbye readers!
will blog again :D mwahs.
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