I'm glad that our love is getting stronger and stronger by each day count.
You'r all i wanted. (:
I'm lookinq forward to our one month. one month! one month! :D
Love you, my honey Baby :)
0n my actual birthday that day, meet up with Baby. Headed over to Baby's house slacked, prepared then off to jp to meet up with huili & yushu.
&Buddy, yea. its indeed been awhile since the both of us had meet to go shopping.Indeed u had a wonderful eighteen birthday this year. And i wish for a simple birthday celebration with my beloved girlfriends and boyfriend. and indeed my wish was granted. thanks people. ((:
My babyboy and me :D
I will be with you always, forever, infinity and until i hold my last breath. i love you, my dumbass! (:
though it was just a v.short gathering spent with buddy, but i did enjoy myself ya. i don't know when will i meet buddy up again, she is leavinq for china soon and she's gonna be there for 6 weeks sighs! i'm sure gonna miss you like Fuck!. hais. BUDS, hopefully we'll meet up again soon ya before you leave for china. ((:
afterwhich, me, baby, yan binq and catherine headed to douby ghaut to meet see theng. she has already reached there long long time ago. argh. sorry to let you wait ya.
went to dine at Just Acia.
Had lots of catching-up with the girls. And i'm sorry Baby if i did left you out at times.
When girls are together in the toilet ...
this is where crazy cam-whoring starts ...
Huili, Laogong, Hui Zhen, Tiffany
And not forgetting my dearest hui zhi Buddy!
thanks for those presents received. ((: loves.
will update again about my birthday celebration.
kinda of busy lately.
stay tuned!
goodbye. (:
Aftermath, Me & Baby headed to ang mo kio.
Went to his parents house.Backstabbers, Hypocrite, Unhygenie and those who don't respect the elderly.
(12) Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
i've already met the one who really dote & love me.
(14) Who is the most important person in your life?
Girlfriends, Boyfriend and family.
(15) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Yes, because i'm already contented with what i have now.
(18) Are you courageous to tell a person that you like him/her?
Yes, I am. I don't wish to regret in the end.Both of them.
(20) What would you consider about when you stead with a guy/girl??
I'll see if he's willing to overcome every problems with me. And mostly importantly, will love and dote me.
Alright, I'm done!
i'll update my blog again soon. :D
sorry for not updating often.
Goodbye readers ((:
&Baby, i'm gonna cherish you and i'll treasure this relationship. i promised i will never leave you. No matter what obstacles we will meet, i'll go through with you.
Baby, i love youu! :))