Merry merry Christmas!
This is my first x'mas spent with BABY!
My boy gave me a necklace as a x'mas presents.
As usual, Baby came over to my house to fetch me.
Headed over to Baby's house for awhile to slacked.
Then we went down to IMM for pepper lunch!
Had pepper lunch for dinner.

their ice cream is my fav!
After dinner, we headed to Town to view the pretty lightnings.
Town was really crowded with lots of people at that time.

my boy didn't bring digital cam along with him so we couldn't took many photo there.
arghh. kinda of disappointed, but well nevermind there will always be a next time.
We went slacking and walking around Town.
Then decided to head to Starbucks for a drink and chats.
Me and Baby chatted about of lots of stuff. Haha! My baby damn funny la, keep make mi laugh.
Times flies, we chatted will 1am before we finally decided to leave.
And we tot there were Night Riders but there wasn't!
Night Riders are only avaliable on Eve of Public Holidays. Wtf!
We got no choice but to cab home instead.
Reached home about 2am.
Photos time (:

my fav pic!
I did enjoy my x'mas with my boy!(:
what about you people? i hope you people did.
GoodNights to all(:
i'm done with my post.
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