sup people(:
time passes really fast and today is already my 7th day in school.
im doinq fine, don't worry. hees.
well, today's lessons supposed to end at 33opm but it ended at 130.
hell early right? also have no idea why the lecturer released us so early.
perhaps he's too tired to carry with the lessons? haha. crap. =x
i suggest to go west mall to walk ard as it was still early and i didn't wish to head for hme yet.
so me, yanbing and terence headed to westmall.
we didn't planned to catch a movie, but eng wah cinema was havin a promotions.
student price was only 6bucks during wkdays.
f.cheap huh?
caught the movie "Street kings".

Cast: Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Chris Evans
i rate it 5/10.
the three of us find it boring.
the storyline was bad.
i almost fall asleep half-way through. =x

i wanna watch " the hottie and the nottie ".
anyone anyone??
just now, while walking ard westmall.
yanbing & me bought this cute lil mirror.

mirror is something a girl can't live without with.
and that day while shopping, i bought this rubbish bin to put in my room.

you might think that im acting cute, or im childish.
but but but.. who cares?
i fancy cute lil stuff. and im loving it.
pardon me for this boring post.
bear with it, im ending soon.
gonna hit the blankets soon.
tml gonna reach sch at 8am! sians ah.
school is bringing us to kallang to play soccer. LOL!
hopefully i'll have fun & hope to see shuai ge too.
haas, im insane.
alrights, Yours Truly need to go lala land le.
nights people(:
i'm sorry, i know my attitude towards you sucks at times.
yet you didn't say anything about it, but tolerate it.
you said u don't understand me.
don't understand myself too.
i don't know what i really want for now.
i'm so afraid i might hurt you in the end.
i really appreaciate the care u gave me. <3
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