firstly, i have something to clarify regarding my tagboard spam.
someone has been using my name and blog url, going around other people's tagboard to give negative comments. so if you happen to be one of the victim, i would advise you to double confirm the spammer's IP address with mine. i dont wish to be accused of something which i didnt do.
dear spammer, i would suggest that you should stop your silly act once and for all. you can go around using my name and url to post rude comments but my IP address will be able to prove that im innocent. of course, you can still continue your childish nonsense as you wish because im able to delete your tags and ban you from my tagboard.
School today (:
well, first day of school today? erm, alrights?
no comments actually.
meet up with huili buddy went to bus stop to wait for bus but went separate ways aft that.
i reached school kinda of early.
was bored while waiting cus im all ALONE, not familiar with the environment there.
and i was damns nervous too!
luckily, i still managed to make a friend there.
cus my class are almost guys.
girls are really pathetic few of us.
this new girl i make friend with is called yan bing.
we could really click well even though is only the first day we get to know each other.
well, im gonna stick with her and ONLY her from tml onwards. ROARS!
everything ends damns early today for me.
ard 12 we can leave already.
then me & yan binq went to get sch uni stuffs & all.
oh man, tml i gonna wear sch uni to sch le. ((:
aft sch, went to Dover ite to look for buddy.
waited for her till 1plus for her breaktime.
accompany her till 2 b4 she continue wif e orientation, she seems bored there. sighs.
must endure girl!
im having lessons tml at 9pm.
gonna hit the blankets soon.
i wonder hw's all the others doing?
hope everyone is doing fine ya.

don't view my blog, if you hate me.
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