im back again(:
Hellos to that low class bitch.
i bet u must be enjoyin readin my bloq huh?
so how? satisfied with my previous post?
my precious post was specially dedicated to you leii.
you should be feeling honoured lo(: HAHAHA:D
HEY YOU. why you keep assumed(so sure) that the low class bitch im mentioning bout is you?
oh hello, did i wrote ur BIG NAME here & claiming that is you?
oh well, i guess u admit it urself.
well, that's a good sign.
at least, u admitted. HAHA.
i did thought of writing down ur BIG NAME here. but i didn't.
must give u face ma. dun want to embarrased you.
don't force me to write down ur big name here, i tell u.
Please la, what's the use of complaining to him aft every post i posted here?
u think by complaining to him, he'll come & give me a scoldin isit & expecting that i'll delete every thing here?
NO NO, let me tell u, i WON'T!!
what FUCK rights do you have to stop me?
i tell u, u can't stop me from doing anything.
if u'r unhappy with what i'm posting here, i tell u.
AND i dare you, COME & FIND ME AND TALK.
don't be a coward and hide behind ur FUCKING com and complain!
he've already gone back to ur side.
what MORE do you want?
yes, you might think that u've win.
ask urself seriously, have you won it gloriously??
seriously, i don't think you did.
by using those low class tactics? u won?
c'mon, u'r 20 over year old adults.
pls use ur brain & think la.
why want a guy who keep tellin lies? lying about almost everythin?
what can you gain from him seriously?
nvm, maybe he can give you those "satisfaction" u want ba. HOHOHO :D
nvm, is none of my business too.
& one last thing, if u'r uncomfortable bout readin wad i wrote here, then pls
if you wanna read, pls aft readin it, KEEP UR FUCKIN MOUTH SHUT.
if u'r unhappy with it, come & talk to me instead then.
u'r most welcomed.
alriqht readers,
sorry for the above shit.
pardon me for all the vulgarities.
its only meant for her. (:

well, was out with my precious HUILI bestie ytd.
knowinq that i'm damns emotional, she asked me out.
thanks girl(:
we had lunch at MOS burger.
didn't really have appetite, but i still force myself to finish it.
then we headed to BUGIS first.
shopped ard, we just bought a t-shirt.
its cute luhs. will post up e pic of it the next time.
then we decided to head to town cus it was really bored at bugis.
we've nothing to shop for.
went to look for chia yee, she was working there.
then we went walk walk ard.
find a place to sat down, & have sme serious talk with each other.
i didn't knw that bestie was actually havin sme problems too.
i'm so sorry.
i'm havin problems & thus neglect u too.
and still make you listen to all my shit.
next time if there's anythin bothering u, do tell me ya?
hope everything is fine now.

well bestie, really thanks alot ((:
thanks for being there for me all the time.
thanks for always being there to lend me a listeninq ear.
whenever i have problems, e one i think of was you first.
w/o you, i guess i might have collapsed.
school is starting soon.
i hope i could really get into Dover ite.
though we might nt be in same course, but at least same sch luhs.
i still wanna travel to sch together with you luhs.
may god bless, may god bless!

bestie I LOVE YOU luhs! <3
alrights, i guess that's all for tonights.
my bro got new phone. congrats congrats.
nights all((:
bitch, happy reading..
my heart is still bleeding, and bleeding.
who can be there to mend it for me?
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