" i wanna hug you tight tight like this always and forever "
i love you, my babyboy.
i'm back to bloggin. (:
i've been busy busy busy like busy bee.
Just finished e 2 exams i've got.
&gd news is i passed both the test. phew. -.-
Life is asual, school school school, boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend, home sweet home.
Life is like a routline.
i'm currently dwn with flu.
my whole desk is full with tissue paper now.
Didn't went to school today, intend to go see doctor but lazy to go.
Went over to Baby's hse, slacked & sleep.
Then went to meet huili Buddy.
its been awhile since i last meet up with Buddy.
Kinda 0f misses her.
i also misses shopping with her. sighs.
had Tom Yam for dinner.
then went 0ver to je entertainment.
Baby was half way home, but he came bac to look for mi. sweet*
went home aftermath.
huili was telling me about her problems just now during dinner.
hearing that she's having problems, all i can do was to lend her my listening ear. sighs.
kinda of worried bout her.
Girl, please take care of yourself alrights?
on the other hand, hui zhi buddy ring me up jus now.
sighs. buddy was feeling kinda of upset too.
hais. &all i do was also lend her a listening ear, console her.
Suddenly, i feel so helpless & useless.
upon seeing my friends feeling so upset, i feel sad too.
All i could do was to lend them a listening ear and console them.
Girls, do take care of yourself alrights?
Anything give me a call again ya?
i misses my baby boy now.
alright, shall end here.
pardon me for this boring post.
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