Happy One Month Anniversary Baby ! (:
Time really flies, we'r together for one month already.
Everything seems so fine with you around.
Rmb the first time you hold my hand, the first kisses you gave me, the first hug?
Everything are stay clear in my mind & is just so sweet.
I'm really v.glad to have you around.
Thanks baby for all the things you've done for me during this one month!
Though is only one month, but we've met lots of obstacles alonq the way.
But we still managed to go through it and faced it together.
Thanks for givinq in to me when we always have a tiff, b'cus u know my temper and my stubborness will never give in first. But i promised i will try to change alrights?
N0 matter what obstacles we'll meet in the future, i promised i will face it with you and i won't never give up on this relationship easily.
Baby, thanks for the One month present and the surprise u gave me.
I really feel v.touched & loved! :D
Though we had a simple one month celebration, but i'm already satisfied!
Baby baby, i'm lookinq forward to many more month with you!
I've many things to type it here and wanted to say it to you but i guess its abit mushy. aha! refer to the letter that i gave you lahz. its all written there.
lastly, baby i love you! i love you lahz.
You'll always be my one and only baby (: mwahs!
Love you, my dumbAss.
You'r XUELI's.
Shall end here. (:
will Edit this post again when i'm free.
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