hello there!
i'm like so lazy to blog nowadays.
oh well, whatever. i'll still try to keep updating ya.
Shall make this post short.
On national Day, meet up with baby.
then headed to Suntec, meet baby's fren too.
After which, we went to walk ard marina square.then meet huizhi buddy & elvin for dinner at yoshinoya.
buddy & elvin were v.bad lahs. while they were on their way to came to meet us, they were actually peekinq at us kissinq lahs. arghh! so paisehs lahs. =x
after finished dinner, we went to watch NDP fireworks.couldn't really find a good view to watch it, but still managed to saw some.
its really crowded with lots of people lahs.(watchinq fireworks with boyfriend is one of the thing which i really wished for)
The four of us went to play pool aftermath.saw louis & friends at the pool too.
alrights.. photos time! (:
me and buddy :D

its really been awhile since i last took photo with her. :)
Me and baby baby baby! (:

With baby around, my life is really full of colours.
whenever i wake up in the morning, i'm always looking forward to meeting baby, looking forward to a new day starts.
Baby, i really feel so blessed with you around. (:
thanks for giving those protection that i needed.
i love you, babylove! (:
blog till here.
goodbye. mwahs!
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