This few days i really don't know what is wronq with me.
My mood keep changing every now and then.
Havinq mood swinq, i supposed.
I get pissed off easily, &upset easily too.
I keep thinking of negative things instead of the positives.
My exams has ended, i smell holidays !
I should be happy, BUT yet, IM NOT!
Mum doesn't seems to wanna talk to me since yesterday & i also don't know why.
I feel so lonely now!
Baby Boy is busying working at the moment, no time to entertain me too.
& my poor Baby has been suffering this few days b'cus of my mood swinq.
i've been treating him coldly, giving him attitudes, throwinq tantrums at him.
I'm sorry Baby.
I need someone to talk to badly now.
& my listening ear, my buddy Adelene Low Hui Zhi is still in china.
I misses her so badly.
Sighs. Buddy, faster fly back can??!! I got so much things wanna tell you lahs.
Heard that you'r sick the other day while chatting with you online.
Are you better now?
& i misses all my Girlfriends !
Alrights, i'm off!
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