Happy 2nd monthsary Baby! (:
Just a blink, &its now already our 2nd month.
Thouqh this two months, we'r still havinq some small tiffs but we still make it throuqh.
I'm lovinq you more & more each day.
Thanks for your patience during this two month.
I admit, my attitudes still hasn't got any better.
But you tolerated it & keep giving in to me.
Just a blink, &its now already our 2nd month.
Thouqh this two months, we'r still havinq some small tiffs but we still make it throuqh.
I'm lovinq you more & more each day.
Thanks for your patience during this two month.
I admit, my attitudes still hasn't got any better.
But you tolerated it & keep giving in to me.
Baby, Thanks for your tolerance and keeping our relationship going.
I can't expect more than just you, u should know by now u mean alot to me.
I can't function without you.
You'r all i ever wanted.
I love you, my baby boy. (:
I'm gonna stick with you for the rest of my life.
You'll always be my baby honey bunny, my sweetie pie.
i love you more than anyone else. muackks!
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