Finally i can rest and find time to update my blog.
Been busy working together with Huili Buddy.
I started work since Tuesday till today, i really loathe to wake up early in the morning at 6am!
And is holiday now for god sake.
If not because for the sake of the money, i also won't sacrificed my beauty sleep, my holiday, my time with Baby Boy.
b'cus of work, i've neglect Baby a lil bit.
But but but! Baby Boy is still sweet as always.
He would sacrficed his sleep and wake up early in the morning just to wake me up & acc me to chat till i went for work.
He would came down all the way to fetch me home.
&Even after his work, i knw he's worn out, but he still rush down just to acc me.
Thanks Baby!
I know you disallowed me to work b'cus i'll spend less time with you. But yet i still insist to.
Thanks for giving in to me.
Please bear with me!
Arghh! I'm in Lala mood now.
Waiting for Baby to call me and i'm gonna go lala land soon.
HopeFully, i will find time to Blog again.
Before I go,
Buddy, faster come back. miss you, miss you. ((:
***Counting down 6 days to Me and Baby 3rd month Anni! (:
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