Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'm like oh-so busy lately.
Can't really dig out time to blog!
I'm doing fine lately.
My life is like a routine. Baby, Friends, Family. (:
I should be in thailand right now together with Peng Hock, Louis.. Blah blah. But i didn't went, cause i can't bear to leave all my sweethearts here, especially my Baby. I so miss Peng Hock & the gangs. I wonder how are they doing.
Anyway, Back to the topic.
BabyBoy has been pampering me, treating me like a princess.
I know, i should be repaying Baby back by showering him more love, but i didn't.
&Yet, in return, i gave him attitude, throwing temper at him again.
Sighs, i feel so guilty. I'm sucha Bad girlfriend.
My dear Baby, Thanks for giving in to me.
&Thanks for your understandinq and tolerating my stubborness.
Baby has been uber sweet.
Especially Today.
He reached my house, while i was still out with Huili Buddy.
He told me that he'll reached my hse at 230pm but he reached later than that.
I was kinda of unhappy about it.
I found out the truth why Baby was late when i reached home.
Didn't know that Baby actually took the effort and travelled down all the way to chinaTown, bought desserts for me and my family.
And he even went to buy facials stuff for me which i told Baby i wanted it yesterday when we saw it there.
I'm not good in words, i don't know how to expressed my feelings out at times.
But Baby, i just wanna say, i love you (:
You always never failed to give me what i wanted.
You'r always sacrificing and leaving the best just for me.
You are the best, Baby! I swear i'm not gonna let go of you.
On another note, I just read Huili's Buddy blog and finally get a chance to meet up with her today.
I can tell that she still misses yushu alot.
I don't how to console her or help her, all i could do was to lend her a listening ear.
I can understand how she feels now.
The feeling of Missing someone that you love and yet you aren't sure whether the person knows it or not is really v.torturing.
I really do hope and still wish to see Buddy and Yushu back together again.
I told Buddy that i really misses those times that me and her, yushu & his friend, xuan zhi, the five of us stay overnight at Jurong Bird Park.
Those memories ... ... sighs. Is really unforgettable. (:
Buddy, Pete and I really hope you could still go Malaysia with us this coming december.
Sighs. Buddy, do cheer up ya.
Meet you up for shopping session soon.
Alrights, that's all for the day.
Hopefully i will blog again real soon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Weehee ! :D
i'm back to blog yo;
Saturday, i waited for my Baby Boy to come & fetch me in the evening.
Despite wakinq up early in the morninq to attend a work course, he still took the effort to accompany me in the eveninq.
Thanks Baby! I know you must be tired ya. (:
Headed down to Plaza Sinq.
Bought the movie tickets for " The Days ".
Had dinner first before catchinq our movie.
Baby say wanna bring me eat good stuff, &make me eat till damn full.
So he bring me go eat ...
Tell you people their burger is super duper BIG, double the size of mac's burger, and super super YUMMY lahs!
See their french fries.
Super cheesy!
I couldn't finished up the fries cause i'm already super full after eating the Big burger. (:
I almost feel like Vomiting.
Even Baby also keep whinning that he is damn Full. Haha!
But still, i love their food.
Is really worth the money yo.
While waitinq for the movie to showcast.
Baby & I went crazy camwhorinq lahs.
Your love is sweetest drug.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Reached Baby's hse, Baby jiu started cleaning up the whole house.
And all i did was sleep, eat, use com.
Baby didn't allow me to help him do housework.
Even lunch, is Baby prepared de.
After lunch, i wanna do all the washing up of the dishes, Baby also didn't allow me to do it.
Aww~ I was damns bored lahs!
By the time, Baby finished all the housework, it's time to go out for dinner liao. Lol.
Headed Back to Juronq point to had our dinner, then headed over to my house aftermath. (:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This few days i really don't know what is wronq with me.
My mood keep changing every now and then.
Havinq mood swinq, i supposed.
I get pissed off easily, &upset easily too.
I keep thinking of negative things instead of the positives.
My exams has ended, i smell holidays !
I should be happy, BUT yet, IM NOT!
Mum doesn't seems to wanna talk to me since yesterday & i also don't know why.
I feel so lonely now!
Baby Boy is busying working at the moment, no time to entertain me too.
& my poor Baby has been suffering this few days b'cus of my mood swinq.
i've been treating him coldly, giving him attitudes, throwinq tantrums at him.
I'm sorry Baby.
I need someone to talk to badly now.
& my listening ear, my buddy Adelene Low Hui Zhi is still in china.
I misses her so badly.
Sighs. Buddy, faster fly back can??!! I got so much things wanna tell you lahs.
Heard that you'r sick the other day while chatting with you online.
Are you better now?
& i misses all my Girlfriends !
Alrights, i'm off!
Hellos all!
I'm back, didn't go MIA of cus.
Been Busy like a bee lately, so couldn't find time to blog.
Shoo off all the dust ya. ((:
01.09.08 - Monday

Had a advanced 2month Anni celebration with Baby Boy.
I remembered the both of us had a small tiff before hand, i cried like Fuck that day. argh.
But everything turn out fine in the end.
We headed to MOE to reprint my O's lvl maths paper entry proof.
Cause i couldn't find it and you know what i just found my entry proof hiding on my book shelf the day before while i was tidying my book shelf! argh, damn it.
Headed over to Bugis aftermath.
Couldn't really decide what to eat for lunch.
After walkinq a round, we decided to dine in at Ajitei.
Ate Ramen.
Volcano Ramen
See the amount of Chilli?
*If you'r a Chilli lover and cravinq for spicy food. This might satisfy you.
You people should really try this. (:
Then went shopping ard Bugis Village to eye for our couple jacket.
but couldn't find any.
Me and Baby headed back to my crib aftermath ((:
Will update again.
Goodbye :D
Monday, September 08, 2008
Crying v.badly.
I made Baby boy really upset this time.
I'm sorry Baby, forgive me will you?.
I know apologising is no use at all.
Hit me, slap me, scold me or do whatever things for all you want.
But please don't ignore me.
Baby, what are you doing right now?
i'm so worried about you.
HUBBY, 原谅我. Hao ma?.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Just a blink, &its now already our 2nd month.
Thouqh this two months, we'r still havinq some small tiffs but we still make it throuqh.
I'm lovinq you more & more each day.
Thanks for your patience during this two month.
I admit, my attitudes still hasn't got any better.
But you tolerated it & keep giving in to me.
Baby, Thanks for your tolerance and keeping our relationship going.
I can't expect more than just you, u should know by now u mean alot to me.
I can't function without you.
You'r all i ever wanted.
I love you, my baby boy. (:
I'm gonna stick with you for the rest of my life.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

it's been quite some days since i last bloq.
Been super busy & super lazy to blog. hee.
My babyboy is currently workinq, arghh! i'm missinq him already though is only just a few hrs since we parted. ha.
quite sometime since i really meet her up to do some catchinq up.
Acc her for eye-brow trimminq.
Bought her to the place where i normally go for my eye-browinq trimminq.
Decided to head over to chinatown.
Walked walked around.
Had desserts, i love this particular desserts they sell. Yum yum!
baby boy was already at my hse givinq my bro tuition.
I was a lil pissed off with Baby b'cus he touch my stuff w/o askinq me.
Frankly speakinq, i dislikes ppl touchinq my stuff w/o my permission.
i don't know why though the person is Baby, but i'm still angry bout it.
Baby, i'm sorry i got too agitated.
Baby & me went out aftermath.
Headed to Plaza Sinq, Bought the "12 lotus" movie ticket.
Had a quick dinner at Mos Burger cus we'r rushinq to catch a movie.
Ha, don't know why, we'r always rushinq whenever we'r goinq to catch a movie.
"12 Lotus" - still alright.
But i prefer "881" instead.
Headed home aftermath ((: