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Trying to funny or what? Use so many different names to tag me but the IP address is the same? I ban you once, you can't use the same name. So, you continue to tag by using another name. You think i'm stupid or what?
What are you trying to prove to me? Trying to prove to me that alot of people dislike me just by using so many different names to discriminate me?
Now, who's the 'stupid whore' here you tell me?! For goodness sake, now is 21st century already.
Still playing this kind of stupid games. Oh ya, you still can tag the word "21st Century" on my friend's blog. Why don't you use this word and applies it on you!
Come on, Grow up. Stop being so childish over here.
I don't understand, why are there so many immature people going around giving people hate-tags. It's my blog, i rant about my daily life, my inner thoughts. What's has it gonna do with you? Even i wrote about a few sentences, you people also want to comment! What the fuck????
You are just a passerby, someone whom i don't know and i don't wish to know. If you dislikes me so much, you can just jolly well just fuck off from little-missxuelii.bs. In the first place, i didn't ask you to visit my blog. And what can you gain by discriminate me? You think you can earn moolahs is it? Fk.
So what if you think that i have thick neck, so what if you think that my boyfriend looks like a cheena? That's what you think! In the first place, did i ever mention that i'm perfect? Did i ever mention that i'm pretty? DID I? No, i didn't! Everyone has flaws, so do you! I'm confident in how i look, i'm happy with what i have. My boyfriend looks like a cheena? I bet my boyfriend looks much better than yours. Oh ya, i forgot. A pathetic bitch like you will have a boyfriend? I doubt NO. Who will want a bitch like you who only know how to sit and hide behind your pathetic computer to discriminate others? HAHAHA.
C'mon just admit that you are just jealous of me.
If you think that you are way much better than me, i've already made myself very clear. Come out and say it to me face to face, don't just be a coward and hide behind your computer. I'm waiting. Place and time, Name it!
I'm done with my ranting. You pathetic bitch, if wish to continue looming around my blog and giving shits, do as you please. I won't entertained you anymore. I will just delete and ban.
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