Today marks 300 days for being together with my boy. Time flies so fast whenever i'm with him. Another 65 more days to go, it'll hit our one year anniversary(: wow! Time really flies~
Just send him a sweet message, wonder if he had seen it.
This few days, i know the both of us have been quarrelling over minor issues, and it's really tiring quarrelling every single days over stupid things.
Sometimes i really feel like giving up but when i think of those happy moments we've gone thru for almost 10months, i slap myself for wanting to give up so easily.
But, mostly is still you who never ever tried to gave up on this relationship.
Everytime we quarrel, you will always try to salvage this relationship by giving in to me.
I just want to say, thanks for everything.
And i love you as always!
Alright, i'm heading to bed soon.
My menses cramp is killing me, i guess i need more beauty sleep.
Goodnight people.
Have a good rest too(:
Scroll down for on the previous post for overdue updates.
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