Yes, i know i've neglect my blog for quite sometime.
Couldn't really dig out time to update my blog as i'm busy with school and i'm always outdoors. Part of my time are spent in school, when i'm back to my comfort zone, i'm already super tired and lazy to blog.
When i On my lappy, i'll be surfing other websites but not blogger.
And yea, since i've got nothing to do now i'll do a overdue update here.
Yuling's birthday celebration
I know her birthday is last month, super late for me to update it only now. But i'm super busy, you see.
Meet up with catherine and seetheng first at JP to do a DIY cake for yuling.

Catherine, busy with the design of the cake.
The final product...

A simple and nice design. But i'm glad that she likes it.
And the birthday Girl(:

They wanted to eat ice cream at benten cafe. You know the super big jug ice cream?
The three girls was craving for it but i couldn't eat it! Cause i was having menses.
I am really tempting to eat too but i control myself.
But, they still scope those fruits and puddings to let me eat as they ain't really cold. hee.

After that, we have camwhoring sessions.
We took many funny photos.
Gonna upload a few up here.

okay, i know the photos are super funny. but please Stop laughing. Haha.
Ps. (Even while i'm uploading it up here, i'm laughing at the same time too.)
Alright, ending off with catherine's unglam photo.

I think she has got the cleaner wannabe looks. Oops! =x i'm just kidding. (hope she's not reading this post, if not she's gonna kill me.) hahaha.
Anyway, really enjoy myself wif the girls on yuling's birthday.
Meet up soon again.
And i'll be meeting catherine and yuling often for singing sessions. Sounds good! C you girls agn.
Goodbye all(:
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