Hope you people did enjoyed Good Friday with your family and love ones.
Gonna do a random update on this post.
Baby didn't had work on Monday, so he came over to my house and help me paint my room. So together me, baby and my brother help out with painting. After finishing painting my room, my bro's room was up next. And yeah, my room is now in PINK! MY fav colour. Thanks B!(:
Baby came over to accompany me in the morning. Acc me to sleep awhile and then i woke up first to eat breakfast.
After breakfast, i had a terrible headache and i've no idea why!
I thought i'll be alright after awhile. But it became worst and i went to the toilet to vomit.
I was supposed to meet up with my GFs(seetheng and catherine) that day.
After vomitting, i did felt slightly better. But my headache didn't go away.
Baby ask me to rest at home instead. But i insist to meet up with my GFs! Cus School terms is starting next week, i might not have the time to meet them up.
So Baby acc me to meet them while he went off to work.
I thought i'll be feeling better, BUT when we'r half-way through our destination, i've the urge to vomit again.
So we alighted at the next stop and look for toilet!
But when i reach the toilet, my urge to vomit disappeared! DAMMIT!
We were supposed to hit Town for shopping, but with my condition i guess i can't go for shopping already.
So See theng suggest to go ChinaTown and eat porridge. It might make me feel better.
And see theng is sucha sweetie, she treat me and cat eat porridge! Thanks Girl(:

We did some catching-up after our late lunch and waited for Yuling to come and meet us.
And Funny things happened next, Yuling had a hard time finding us. Lol! Shan't elaborate much here. Go her blog see if you wish to know.
Next, we accompany Cat to meet her poly mates for her Jamming Sessions.
Sweet home aFtermath(:
When i got home, my headache worsen.
I called Baby up.
Baby insist to come and find me after he knock off from work.
He bought porridge for me cause i had late lunch earlier on only.

Thanks B! You still dote on me as always. You'r the Best la!
I Rot at home the whole day!
Baby came over to fetch me and we hit chinaTown as B wanna do blood donation again.
B ask me to do blood donation but i'm afraid of the pain! I know by donating my blood, i can give it to those who need it urgently and at the times i'm doing a good deed. But i'm still afraid la!
After Blood Donation, went to have desserts at our fav place Desserts Hut.
We went to Plaza Sing next to buy movie tickets.
And we thought movie tickets is supposed to be $8.50???! But NO! It's was 10bucks instead.
Caught the movie, HandSome Suit. http://www.gv.com.sg/moviedetails/gv_moviedetails_2676.jsp
It's a Japanese Comedy show.
Damn meaningful and funny, you people should catch it.
After movie, Had dinner, sweet home after math.
Went to trim Eye Brow, slack at baby's house.
Ate dinner at his house too.
Sweet home aftermath(:
Reached home kena scolded by parents. They complained that i keep going out.
WTF! My school term starting next week, can't i enjoy my last week of holiday?? F***!
Don't give a damn anyway.
Two more days to a new fresh school term, but i'm not looking forward to it at all.
I've not had enough of my enjoyment yet. Why is ITE's holiday so fucking SHORT???!!
Time flies, It's my Second year already. Sighs, gonna work damn hard.
Sighs, B might not have enough time for me when his school term starts.
Cause his timetable damn Fucked up!
Alright, Got to go.

Baby, ilu! <3
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