sup people (:
i've lots of thinqs to rant about, but i don't knw where to start frm.
0h well, nvm.
i shall bloq randomly then.
i had a bad labour day.
someone was such a disappointment.
u really disappointed me.
i went down to look for you, but you left me alone.
Awkward & lost was hw i feel at that moment. do u know?.
u always regretted aft smethinq has happened then realised tat u'r wronq which is already too late.
we'r always havin misunderstandinq & miscommunication wif each other.
is it really so hard for u to understand me?.
i carry a moody mood to school.
i didn't talk much and yang binq girl went moody with me too.
i qave attitude to the guys when they joke with me.
im sorry guys.
Sch ended early on every friday.
Went to Clementi to lunch with my yan bing girl.
Had a heart to heart talk sessions with her.
told her bout wad had actually happened which mke mi so upset & moody.
After confide to her, i felt much better.
thanks for givin me advices, consolinq & being there for me that day.
u were my great confidant that day. <3
meet up with huizhi buddy at Holland V in the afternoon.
was lost on my way there, but managed to reach the place successfully in the end! phew. -.-
Ky was alonq too, cus before that he acc my buds to botanic garden to tke pics.
did the both of u enjoy urself there, huh buddy?. OOPS =x(my buddy is gonna kill me if she saw this). hehs.
had sushi tei for lunch. sorry guys for waiting. i knw u people r hungry.
aft lunch, i was supposed to meet my customers to pass the clothes.
but in the end... ... argh. shan't elaborate furthur.
was totally pissed off with that matter.
then KY headed hme first cus he was tired already.
me & buds headed to CP to shop ard, then i headed to her hse, chit-chat awhile before i headed for home. (:
buddy buddy! meet up soon again, alrights?. miss you :DD
this few days life is really kinda of bad for me.
everythinq doesn't seems to be right.
no words could really describe how im feelinq right now.
but thank god i still have people ard me carinq for me. (:
i tried my best not to think already but... it still don't work.
Nights ppl (:
why am i the one getting upset, when the other party enjoying life like nothing happens?
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