hellos humans (:
i'm back, im back.
did you ppl miss me?. heh.
mia for quite some time & im bac here already.
don't ask me if im alriqht already cause seriously i, myself also don't knw e answer.
well, put that topic aside.
let me rant bout yesterday adventures.
yesterday, i woke up early at 9 plus to prepare ahem ahem.
then meet up with huili & her cousin.
had Mos burger for lunch, but i didn't ate.
i jus had vanilia milk shake to full my stomach cus i had late breakfast earlier on.
aftermath, we headed to buqis.
had nothinq in mind to eye for, so we just had a quick shop ard the whole buqis.
its really borinq & the hot hot weather is makinq me wanna go lala land.
i suggest to go temple pray.
this has become my habit to go there pray due to the influence of Da zhu
(ben) ever since the first time he brinq me there to pray.
i pray ...
.i pray to god to bless that
me will had a smooth year ahead.
.i pray to god to bless
everyone in my family to be safe & sound.
.i pray to god to bless
all my friends around me to be happy always, free from all troubles & worries.
.i pray to god to bless
Ben ben that he could be safe & sound, get his nitec cert successfully and bless that his current job will be a stable one.
god bless.
after that, i headed to sembawanq alone to look for xiao ben.
needed his help to help me pass thinqs to Ben ben cus there's no way i could pass it to him personally.
then i qot to know that ben ben is workinq at vivo.
so i persuade xiao ben to brinq me to his workplace.
After much persuasion, xiao ben agreed!
xiao ben, thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! x1000!
with0ut y0u, i won't qet to see ben ben already.
so we headed to VivoCity.
0n our way there, met a grp of 3bitches & 2 bastards.
they ain't lians nor benqs, but they'r actinq to be like they are la.
and one of the bitch like wanna find trouble with xiao ben.
but we didn't even really give a damn to them to la.
no point wastinq our time over chidish ppl like them la.
reached vivo, went to look for ben ben.
he is very very shocked to see me there. heh.
told ben ben bout the grp of people we met earlier on, & he went searchinq for them.
But was unable to find them. alright, count themselves lucky lo.
Chit-chat with him abit, slack awhile then headed home.
before i left, i pass him the home-made dinner i did to him.
i know by the time i passed it to him the food is already cold, taste yucky, looks sucky i quess.
hais. failure right?
but hope u feel my sincerity ya.
(wenever i know that u didn't had proper meals, i feel so heart pain.)he thanked me for that.
&im super duper happy already! really!
the both of them headed bac to senq kanq.
while i headed bac to juronq.
Yu kai wanted to fetch me home cus its already v.late.
but by the time i reached, he's still half-way through his supper.
so i told him to carry on, so i walked bac alone.
when i got home, i then realised i haven't had my dinner.
& the only meals i ate for the day was only breakfast.
so i just grab some biscuits to full my stomach.
i had no energy to cook anythin to eat cus im already deadbeat aft travellinq ard the whole day!
0h well, as usual, i acc my moma today.
moma bought me a pair of heels & two sets of undergarments.

pardon me for this wordy post.
My apologies to my Dearest xin yi girlfriend :
Girlfriend, im so so sorry.
i didn't know that you were the one who msqed me that day.
cause my phone went for service thus some of the contacts were lost.
&urs were one of them.
im so sorry.
don't be disappointed k? cause u'r not forgotten by me.
alright im endinq soon.
school tml. bored.

yours truly.
bye readers.
with loves,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSwCMiHLrlM&feature=related我守候在你家的门外,整个晚上都不离开,回想你靠在我的胸怀,我要将感觉留到 everynight ,走在吵闹拥挤的人海,我想要好好感觉你的存在,望着遥远灰色的星海,一个人孤独的发呆,我依然还在等待,等待你会明白,一颗坚强的心在等你回来,风在吹,让它擦去我脸上的泪,不要以为我真的无所谓,我依然还在等待,等待你会明白,一颗坚强的心在等你回来,不怕累,只要我的身边有你陪,请你相信我是真的不后悔。
my feelinqs for you is still the same.
i jus wanna tell you, I MISS YOU, i miss you.