As i've promised .. qonna continued bloqqing in e next post.
& here it qoes.
supposed to be continued workinq as a data entry cum admin this whole wk.
BUT.. that stupid f.company say they only use me to work for one wk only.
which means my contract with them is only f.ONE WK only luhs!!!
F.them. then why in the first place told my aqent that they gonna need me in their company for bout 1-2mths??!!
&their reasons for using me only for 1wk is b'cus they dun have anymore workloads for me already. -.-
what good reasons they had.
then in the first place don't hire me luh since ur company dun have anythin for me to do.
i'm really v.anqry luh, i still wanna earn moreee money.
anybody got any jobs to intro?.
enouqh bout the job thinqqy.
way bac then
if i rmb correctly, i meet my with huili bestie.
its a las mins decision, acc her to town to qet her pay.
then headed to buqis for shopppin sessions.
we each bouqht ourselves a dress & tees. yipee!
i love shoppinq with my bestie luhs, meet up real soon alrights?.
then acc her bac to jp to meet her bro & her cousins.
they dine in at pizza hut, but i didn't eat.
jus acc them for awhile & i left for home.
& so coincidence, we saw soon fanq with her grp of friends.
that day was her b'dae.
alriqht gonna end with photos with my bestie.

bye people ((:
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