I'm back. Did anyone miss me?
Somehow, kinda lost interest in blogging though(:
Went to clear up my pictures folders just now, then realised i've many overdues pictures that i've yet to update it here. So this is one of them.
Haha. super overdue i know! But at least i made the effort to update about it. Unlike my boy. oops =x
One Year Anniversary celebration with my boy.
Let the pictures do the talking.

We went to Hey Hey pot for steamboat sessions.
This steamboat restaurant was opened by Terence Cao 曹国辉.
I think this is the best steamboat restaurant i've been to. **Thumbs up**
We dined in kind of late, we ate till their restaurant closes. HaHa!
And because of this, we couldn't catch the movie that we wanted to watch.
♥Pictures of us.

I think both of our hairstyles that day damn ugly nor.
After our steamboat sessions, have no idea where to go.
So decided to chill and drink at coffee club.

♥Presents from him.

He made 365 stars for me.

The new couple ring that he bought. I like it alot, but the sad part is. . . my ring size is wrong! *cries*
But still, thanks for everything my dear.
I don't need expensive stuffs from you, is the thought that counts.
I love you forever till infinity. mwahs!
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