A short lil update to keep my blog stay alive(:
Supposed to do this update last thurs, but i'm super lazy to do so, so do it today instead.
Had Team building event, all of us didn't wanted to go but to avoid our class advisor naggings, we decided not to give it a miss and on the other hand, i want to cherish the time i left with my classmates.
But, while on the way to the destination, it started to rain.
Our mood totally turned off. Couldn't do anything b'cus of the rain.
Slacked there awhile and was asked to head back to school. -.- waste time only!
Luckily, i still have YanBing with me, we chatted about lots of things that day.
Really regretted going, should have spent my time with BB instead.
BB came over to fetch me.
Accompany him to his workplace, then i headed to Daiso to shop alone.
Bought a storage case to store my undergarments.
It looked much neater this way.
Regretted not buying one more because one isn't enough.

Flu and sore throat haunt me again, super annoying.
Short lil update for now, will be back.
I shall sleep early starting from today. BB says is because we are lack of sleep thus leading us to fall sick easily. BB had nose bleeding early in the morning today. Sighs. Poor Boy!
GoodNight all~
PS Change of blog songs again.
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