New Start.
I'm back.
A new blogskin, A new start.
What do you guys think about my current blogskin? Current one better or previous one better?Waiting for BB to come fetch me, so shall rant abit here.Recently, alot of things happened.Makes me emotionally traumatized. I'm one emotional freak, small little things may caused me feel upset for quite sometime. I always look at the negative side, i don't know how to be optimistic like others do. Shall share a issue here of what's going on that makes me so pissed off/upset with.I don't know if my bf's brother-in-law is reading my blog or not. I don't care if u'r gonna read this or not. If you are, this is for you. (&Fuck you.)I've never seen such a selfish bastard like you.I always believe in one thing, what comes around, goes around.How you treat my bf now, i will remember it clearly.And get this in mind, karma will strike on you one day!My bf treats your family good, what do you all treat my bf as? Shit right?It's okay. You will get your retribution soon. My bf is moving back to his own house soon.All thanks to his "wonderful" brother-in-law. Life in the future for him will be tough. Thanks uh!I didn't know you are also good at acting, since you are so good in acting, shall i recommend you Mediacorp to a actor too? Oh, i guess they might have got to think twice before hiring you! And i didn't know that you are also good in borrowing my bf's thing and afterwhich assuming it to be yours.
My bf's 4GB memory stick! Don't tell us, you forget about it. You bloody hell! That memory stick that you used for your PSP was once my bf's properties. Now, when he wants it back, you can bloody hell twist the story and tell him you didn't even borrow from him before?? Fine! My bf don't want it back anymore, since you want it, take it! You are a married man with a child, and yet the way you do this, worst than a kid. You think my bf is so free to make up a story just to earn a memory stick? C'mon la. we've got things to do rather than this.
Not only that, my bf's sister side her husband instead of my bf. C'mon, who help you the most when your husband wasn't by your side? If you can't remember, i help you refresh your mind. It's my bf, your blood brother.
It's alrights. Take it as starting everything all over again.Thanks for reading this whole chunk of words, i just need a space to rant out how i feel.
This is just part of what's bothering me, there are still more. I decided to keep it to myself.
I'm going out now, bye.
I believe, "we'll make it through, no matter what happens."