Aft readin bout e new regardin e death of e s'pore comedian, Jimmy (Mc king) makes me feel that life is so unpredictable.
you may be laughing & enjoying happy moments wif ur frens today, but who knows u might be gone tml & forever.
last niqht, i couldn't really get to sleep, thinkin about alot of thinqs.
thinkin bout e life i've been throuqh last yr, really mkes me feel like cryinq.
people broke my heart, i've misunderstandin with friends. etc etc.
but thank qod for givin me e following two babes who never fails to be there for me all e time.
w/o them, i quess i could have gone bersek.

Choo Hui Li - my wonderful bestie since young. attendin e same kindergarden, same pri sch, secondary schools & even graduating toqether really makes me feels that we'r like qonna be fated to be stick toqether. Thouqh we miqht hab several conflicts wif each other before, but our friendship nv dies & gettin stronger as e time goes.
u will never fail to be there for me, consoling me aft each bastard who treats me like shits & breaks my fucking heart. u've been like a sister to me, can't imagine my life w/o a companion like you man! i really hope we could both be promoted to e same poly cus i still wanna continue attendin sch every morning with you! but no matter what e outcome is, u will be still my dearest bestie always! <3

Adelene Low Hui zhi - my buddy for 8 yrs & still counting. Thank qod for givin me this lil girl to be my buddy. Last yr, was really a shit for e both of us & i really hope it will be better for us this year. she never fails to be my listening ear. im really touched wen she took e initiative to do e planning for my seventeen b'dae, wen it really got her kinda of pissed off in e end. i misses e times hanqing out with u & ur poly classmates, they'r really fantantics! & also e times wen e both of us will chat on e fone for several hrs every nite till e both of went bersek. BUDS, i love ya! don't forqet, we promises to hold our weddin ceremony on e same day. LALALAS!
mood wasn't really gg fine agns.
life is F.sian.
i kinda of misses sch & friends.
nt used to not goin sch man. ARGHHHHHH !!!
i hate e feelin wen i really care but people jus take me granted.
if u'r really important to me, i will really care, if nt i won't even give a F.damns to YOU!
then wad do u tke me for man?.
don't appreciate it jiu suan le.
i've my own limits too. don't push it too far.
cus one day, i may jus burst & vent all my anger on u.
gonna slp early, working tml.
bye ppl(:
to uncle mike ;
hope u'r fine ba. don't knw why i've a feelin somethin is botherin u this few days.
hope im wrong.
but if u've, do tell me.
& its been awhile since i last saw u.
hope to see ya ard soon.
well, life is really fragile.
so i told myself to treasure whatever things i've now b4 i lose them.
i hate e word 'regret'.
shld i tell you or shld i not?
aiya. fan si ren le larhs!!!!
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