Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Some Mankind are really selfish and also a ungrateful ass.
They only cared about themselves and never ever spare a thought for the ones around them.
And i really detest those selfish assholes! Really piss me off!

Must everything always be a one-way traffic? Like, one gives in but gets nothing in return?

I felt kind of silly now to do things for others while others taking me for granted.
Fine, it's enough. Everybody has their own limits so do I.
There is a saying " An eye for An eye ".
I don't wish to go to the extend of taking revenge on anybody but it seems like my limits is up.

From now on, i'm just going to do my part and not going to give a big fuck about "you" anymore.
Being kind to you is just wasting my time.

Whatever it is, life still goes on.

P/S. I miss cat cat, yu ling ling, see theng theng!!!

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