Thursday, February 19, 2009
sorry for the lack of updates, i'm just too busy to update my blog.
my purpose for this post is just to let you guys know that i'm still alive and hasn't gone MIA-ing yet.
i'm having a theory test tml, but i don't have the mood to carry on with my revision. sighs.
nevermind, good luck to myself :)
alrights, i'm off to do my stuff.
be back for a proper post. goodbye.
i really don't know what's wrong with you.
can we don't have any more tiffs every single day?
Baby, i just wanna spend everyday happily with you...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'm backkkkk!
As promised, sixth monthsary will be up on this post ya(:
Hopefully, i stil can remember what happened that day.
Well, as usual.. Baby came over to fetch me.
But this time is a lil different.
He bring along something with him.

Roses :D

Was really v.surprised that Baby will gave me flowers on our sixth monthsary.
After that, we hit Town.
Shopped around, Dined in at Sakura for Sushi Buffet.

Camwhoring Sessions As usual!

After dinner, we went to catch 'bedtime stories' movie.
Sweet home aftermath :D
Pardon me for being 'outdated' in my posting.
I'm having problems with my Internet Explorer currently and its giving me a hard time surfing the net. Damn it!
Seventh Monthsary with be up on the next post yo!
Goodnights sweethearts :D
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
猜不透 你最近时好时坏的沉默
我也不想去追问太多 让试探为彼此的心上了锁
猜不透 相处会比分开还寂寞
两个人都只是得过且过 无法感受每次触摸是真的是热的
如果忽远忽近的洒脱 是你要的自由
如果忽冷忽热的温柔 是你的借口
那我宁愿对你从没认真过 猜不透
相处会比分开还寂寞 两个人都只是得过且过
如果忽远忽近的洒脱 是你要的自由
那我宁愿回到一个人生活 如果忽冷忽热的温柔
是你的借口 那我宁愿对你从没认真过
如果忽远忽近的洒脱 是你要的自由
那我宁愿回到一个人生活 如果忽冷忽热的温柔
是你的借口 那我宁愿对你从没认真过
到底这感觉谁对谁错 我已不想追究
i'm mentally tired..
i love you, and i mean really love you.
i'm sick of getting hurt again and again.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
(an old pic of us)
Today catherine darlinq came over to my house to bai nian.
Baby was around too(:
Then, together with my brother, the four of us played UNO card games.
Catherine damn funny la~ keep making me laugh.

She is always the loser at the end of the game. Haha.
Around 4plus, Baby left for work.
Me and catherine dar went downstairs for a heart to heart chats sessions.
We talk about 'schools, relationships, family matters, friendships' etc.
Its really been awhile since i last met catherine and have a good chat with her.
And i really enjoy chatting with her today(:
Thanks for giving me advices my dear!
Meet up soon again alrights?.
Love you luh!
Alrights, just a short update for today(:
Tml will the last day of CNY! Wow! Time passes by real fast without u knowing it, don't you people think so? Hope you people did collects lots of Ang Bao ya.
As promised, i will update my sixth monthsary on the next post together with CNY post too!
Goodbye all readers :D
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Hey all!!(:
I'll right back to blog soon. Don't worry, i didn't MIA.
I'm just too busy and lazy to update my blog :D Pardon me for that ya!
Anyway, Continue to leave me taggy alrights?
abby: hi may i know the songs that are playing in your blog? thks =)
Hi there. u mean all the songs? Yes sure, why not? 1. love story 2. T-shirt 3. Superhuman 4. Cookie Jar 5. Spotlight 6. I wanted you (: anyway, u r?
TIFF: hahaha, I havent get married lehh! haa~ u give me? O.O
Haha! :D i also haven married yet, how to give you? Mayb after i got married i give u? Oops! =x
YuCong: i back liao....today morning reach SG ....super tired until dun feel like waking up
Hey! you come back liao ah? which country you went? Haha. Baddie you, why never bring me along also. Kidding! Seems like you are really tired. Have a good rest alrights (:
`huili: takecare(: missh..
Hey Babe! Finally saw you taggin me. Your blog no tagboard, wanna tag you also can't! Haha. I misses you :D
GoodNights to all sweethearts out there.
Counting down 2 days to our seventh monthsary yo.