♥ 3rd month Anni Celebration3.10.08 Friday
Should be curious on how we celebrated our 3rd month anni?
Alrights, Shall tell you ppl then. (:
Before i continued, my Baby boy has a new hairstyle.

His new hairstyle makes his hair looks much neater now.
Baby boy says he loves this hairstyle now.
But, i prefer his old hairstyle instead.(The messy messy old look.) LOl.
What do you people think?
Alrights, Back to the Topic.
i went over to Baby Boy's crib early in the morning that day.
Pass Baby the cookie. Because is still early, we slept till noon before we went out.
I was feeling hungry so Baby Boy cooked macaroni with hotdogs, together with spag sauce.
I swear is really YUMMY! ~

Changed up, Get prepared and we headed to Plaza Sing for shopping aftermath.

Baby promised to buy me couple Jackets, but didn't in the end.
I got a lil bit upset, and disappointed at the same time.
I suggest to go marina square to try luck to see if there's any Jackets that suit us, but still none.
DISAPPOINTED! DISAPPOINTED!!!!Baby cheered me up and i got better.
Headed to our next destination for our dinner.
Dined in at JUST ACIA.
After ordering food, i felt so uncomfortable suddenly.
I'm having a bad headache, and at the same time feel like vomiting.
I rush for toilet, and yes i did vomited.
& worst still, the headache is really so terrible that i teared.
Baby got so worried, asked the person to packed our food, flag for a Cab & we headed home.
Got home, i vomited again.
Baby fed me with med, & wait for me till i fall asleep then he headed home. (:
Arghh, that goes our 3rd month celebration ~
4.1o.08 Saturday I got better, then Baby Boy came over to fetch me.
We headed to bugis.
Shopped around, bought ourselves clothes and shoes.
Headed to Geylang aftermath.
Acc Baby to meet up with his friends for steamboat session.
I tell you, Baby Boy has really got a huge appetite lahs ~
He really can eat!!
Especially prawns ~
his favourite!Don't believe ..
You see.

After steamboat, we cabbed down to Safra Country Club.
Look for Baby's Sister and husband at Party world, joined them for k-ing.
While waiting for our turn to sing, we took photos.

Pardon us for the blur photo.
After k-ing, It's already 1 am.
His sis husband drove us to eat supper.
Then he drove me back home aftermath.
My dearest, Love you truckloads!You mean more than anything else.