status: xueli is terribly heartbroken & upset.
im emo - inq agns.
guys? can u all jus stop hurting girls for once?
i jus dun understand, what do you all gain by hurting us.
why? why must u appear & ruin my life?
why don't u jus leave me alone in e first place instead?
why turn my life into a niqhtmare in a short period of time?.
i don't knw if i shld hate you, or forgive u instead.
im sad, but i didn't cry.
im angry, but i didn't vent my anger on anybody.
i didn't do anythin wrong.
when u talk to me in a attitude manner, i've tolerate it.
cus i respect e way u r.
if it were others, i could have already yell back a them.
but wad did u do? u didn't appreciate me at all.
why did you treat me so well frm e start?
why dun u jus hack me, like what u r doin now frm e start?
aftall, im only her subsitution.
To you, im already speechless already.
don't say u like me, when you don't!.
i won't believe wad u say anymore.
i give you my blessing, take cares.
i really don't know if im alriqht or not.
but there's nothing i could do.
life still has do carry on even if i don't wish to.
well, went 0ut wif huili's bestie ytd.
weather is still as bad as ever.
Accompany bestie to eat lunch at Jp, but i didn't eat, cus i've gt no appetite.
duno why, our conversation mentioned mike, so i decided to msq him.
so coincidence that mike was oso plannin to go Bugis.
when i reach Bugis, e first thing i do was go acarde look for mike.
parted wif him, then left for shopping.
mike call me aft tat, say wanna join us.
but we already on our way to out next destination.
so i ask mike to come alonq, without any hesitation, he came.
so together wif 2 of his fren, e 5 of us went gai gai together.
then mi & mike keep quarrellinq wif each other frm e moment we mit each other till we reach hme.
v.funny lo, e 2 of us. hahas.
Mike v.gentlemen de lo, treat all of us drink coffeebean. LALAS.
thanks anyways.
then accompany 3 gentlemen go play pool, then headed hme.
thanks for the day peepos(:
i hope i will really be alriqht.
shall end here.
gt no mood to continue bloqqing.
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