im n0t in e mo0d t0 t0k 0r d0 wadever tings n0w.
0ut 0f e sudden, i l0st my h0pe & m0vitati0n.
wen i g0t e m0vitati0n t0 struggle f0r my o's lvl, my parents, i mean my dad ruin everiting.
u ppl shld knw, i dislikes my dad. he's always biased against mi, wadever i do, he's always unhappy b0ut it. k, fine. im used t0 it already.
BUT, i hate it wen im being accused 0f tings which i've nv d0ne bef0re.
why has it t0 be? why can't u accused my br0ther, huh?
why am i always e ones tat will be e first tat cum t0 ur mind?
ya, right. im always e bad one la.
u'r right t0 accused t0 me.
i t0ld u, i've my 0wn limits. & everyb0dy d0es.
& i really hate it wen im being accused 0f tings which i've nv d0ne b4.
wen im n0w trying hard t0 accomplished e plans i had, u ruin it.
d0 y0u knw h0w stress am i n0w?
if u aren't aware of, then shut ur bloody hell m0uth up.
i dun like studyin, i supposed n0b0dy d0es.
im havin difficulties n0w & yet im tryin my best , n0t givin up.
But u'r always naggin & naggin at me!
u'r alwaes c0mplaining tat im wastin ur blo0dy hell hard-earned m0ney t0 pay f0r my sch fees wen im n0t even studyin hard.
hey, hellos. r u sure im n0t studyin hard?
if im n0t, i could hab jus tell u, i wanna quit sch then.
wtf. u always c0mpare me wif ur frens' child.
since they'r better than mi, why dun u ask them be ur child then?
i hate t0 be c0mpared wif! everyb0dy's different.
u tink i dun wish t0 b clever, hardw0rkin? i wished t0. wh0 d0esn't?
u kn0w hw hurt is it, wen ur parents r c0mparin u wif 0ther ppl.
wen u urself kn0w, u'r n0t as gd as them?
it really HURTS!!.
everytime wen my dad comes hme frm w0rk, he'll vent all his anger 0ut like n0b0dy business.
ok, i gif u a ch0ice then, either u leave, or i leave.
smetimes, i really d0 envy 0ther ppl's dad.
s0me 0f their dad r really damns GOOD.
they really d0te 0n their daughter m0re than they d0te their son.
treat them as if they are princess larhs.
wad century already?
why are they still dads wh0 onli d0te 0n s0n onli?
f0r g0d sake.
im realli feelin so damns devestated & angry at e same time.
why am ii only getting supports frm friends?
why d0 i only heard words like 'Xueli, jia you!' , 'Don't give up, girl' , 'you can do it de'. etc etc. only frm friends??!
wad b0ut my parents?
can't they just say smethin?
r they tryin t0 tell me tat, my o's lvls d0esn't c0ncern them at all?
ok, nvm.
i won't expect them much frm them anim0re.
i'll jus d0 wad i can already, if i din d0 well, don't blame me!.
why am ii studying?!
for e sake of myself?. or?
;i hate you. if u dun even care bout me at all.
then pls dun b0ther msq me.

im 0ff t0 emo-ing (=
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