t0day m0ma nv cook f0r dinner.
lazy m0ma ~ (she tinks tat t0dae is public h0lidae, so she gif herself a break too)
h0usewife wher gt h0lidae de? muhahas.
so we had 0ur dinner at JP.
my br0ther went t0 gym bef0re tat.
0n his way t0 mit us, he met a incident in e bus whereby a bangala steal a ah man's wallet.
this is h0w e st0ry g0es :
e ah ma was carryin a handbag but she didn't zip up her bag.
so careless 0f her. tis is h0w it invite e thief t0 crime.
so this bangala was standin beside her, he put his hand int0 e ah ma's bag.
he managed t0 to0k e wallet 0ut.
& u knw wad? e ah ma din even realised it!
my br0ther saw e wh0le pr0cess & even sme of e passengers oso saw it.
but n0 0ne to0k e initiative t0 tell e ah ma b0ut it. WTF.
so my br0ther tap on e ah ma sh0ulder & told her b0ut it.
e bangala knew tat his plan had been exp0sed by my br0ther, he quickly return e wallet t0 e ah ma. COOL.
e bus was headin t0 bo0n lay interchange.
wen e ah ma aliqht e bus, she quickly caught h0ld of e bangala, she even intend t0 call e p0lice already.
but e bangala begged her n0t t0 & h0pe tat she c0uld gif him a chance.
so e kind-hearted ah ma let him 0ff.
e ah ma is really kind t0 let him 0ff, but if im were her, i dun tink i'll be so kind ba?
stupid bangala, shit y0u. c0unt urself lucky.
can't imagine tat he is really b0ld en0ugh t0 actualli steal an old ah ma's wallet in e bus! omfg.
& its really kinda 0f saddening t0 hear frm my br0 tat e pe0ple wh0 saw it did n0t make e eff0rt t0 exp0se e thief??!
0h my, i can't believe my ears.
h0w can they jus sit there d0in nth, & all0w e thief sc0tt free??!
arghh. ridicul0us.
hmm, e ah ma aft tat insist t0 treat my br0 a meal but my br0 rejected.
wad surprise me was e ah ma t0ld my br0ther tat this is her f0urth time her wallet kena st0len.
but this time she was lucky, managed t0 get bac.
wah. faint~
aiy0, ah ma. pls be m0re careful man!
hmm. my br0ther did a go0d deed t0dae.

cute right?
d0ne by jeff th0mas.
alriqht, im g0in 0ff.
takkaiire ppl~
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