im fucking stress - up !
seriously ..

ytd i finally completed 3 exams papers frm early morn 8 till 4pm.
wen i reached hme, i rush int0 my room & burst 0ut crying.
i just c0uldn't tke it anym0re.
o's lvl is really driving me crazy.
im w0rried b0ut my results. maths paper 1 ytd was difficult.
if maths fail, i dun ever dream of g0in aniwher. sighs.
i really really REALLY wanna PASS o's lvl & go POLY!
that's my g0al.
& i dun wanna disappoint my m0ma.
o's lvl exams fee is nt cheap & i dun wanna waste her m0ney.
i really dun0s what t0 d0, im LOST.
during o's lvl peri0d, i didn't even slp well at night.
my mind was always thinkin b0ut exams exams & exams.
if nt i will be gettin nerv0us & w0rried.
am i stupid?
or was e exams really hard?.
i c0uldn't help but gettin paranoid.
but im really feelin blessed to hab w0nderful frens ard mi, supp0rting mi & consolin me.
still hab a few days t0 go bef0re this t0ugh periods ends.
i h0pe i still can endure & put myself thr0ugh.
thanks all th0se belovable f0r being there f0r me.
well, finally art paper 2 ends t0dae.
i did last min w0rk agns & i really regretted it.
joleen nv go sit for e paper. PS me. =x OOPS.
aft art paper, went to CU coffee sh0p wif catherine & yuling.
its been a long time since i last chatted wif them.
they said i c0uld hab d0ne better f0r my art if i had manage my time well.
YES! i knws.
but i didn't do it.
haiis. feel like slapping myself real hard.
nvm, at least i knws i did 'eveything on my 0wn'& didn't gif up ya.
nah nah. i've en0ugh 0f ranting 0ut my s0rr0ws.
sorry ppl, for wasting ur time readin my boring sorrows. pardon me ya(:
AT LEAST. it'll mkes mi feel much better.
who is willing to gif mi free? tsk tsk .. ..
TML no paper! YAY!
finaaalllly , XUELI CAN HAB A REST!
im 0ff~ tata.