ytd, aft sch went hme get myself changed&mit huili laogong.
we went to jp mac to eat first while waiting for zhiling to come.
we headed to imm aft tat, to buy tees.
went in to IP ZONE & try out e tees.
miie&laogong bought e same design but hers is yellow while mine is green.
its been awhile since we last caught up wif our pri sch fren, zhiling.
e 3 if us did had fun together, we were gigglin & gigglin among ourselves. LOLS.
aft tat, smethin really pissed miie off.
miie&laogong went to buy ice creams b4 we board e bus to head for hme.
wen ii board e bus, e cup of ice cream was in my hand while huili put it in e plastic bag.
&e fuckin bus driver really pissed miie off.

driver}hey, no food is allowed to b bought on to e bus.
miie}stared at him&ignored, den went up e stairs to get a seat.
wen ii've alreadi sat down.
e bus driver came up. stared at miie& says..
driver}ii told u, no food is allowed, u better throw away&ii'll mke everybody on e bus to wait for u till u throw away b4 ii start movin!.
miie}stared at him(givin him a damns fuckin du lan face)&ii ignored agns. ii wanted to scold him @#$%^&*#$%^
but ii din cus my mind was thinkin bout 'pig'& feelin!
tat fuckin driver scolded miie infront of everybody. nabei.
spoil my mood.
this is e first time ii bought food up e bus & kena scoldins by e bus driver.
so KPO for wad, other bus driver oso nv lyk tat sae miie b4. knn.
arggh. 4get it.
well, todae sch was quite fun earli in e morning.
we hab class bondin sessions.
we were allowed to wear hme clothes to sch!.
we play games in class, quite fun actually.
even though we were only given a hr to play.
went hme to changed up den went out agns.
supposed to mit kok wah kor kor at jp & idiot him!.
mke miie wait&in e end he called&said he still busy.
mit other time. qian bian rite?
den ii went to mit my susanna daughter.
she went to cut her hair b4 comin to mit miie.
peii daughter go shopping.
we went to bugis first, she bought heels.
den headed to heeren to bought hangbags tat she has eyed for v.long.
but saddening,e hangbag she wanted was out of stock.
we headed bac to bugis hope she could really eyed for another one.
but she still din bought one.
but e both of us bought a white pretty pretty shorts together!.
im broke but im still spendin money, ii can't resist e temptations of nt spendin money.
smeone still owns miie money.
arghhs, arbish**
den daughter pei miie go marina square.
daughter knows im missing him badly, so pei miie go dere.
even if ii can only get a glance of him, im satisfied. but.. sighs*
ii really misses him badly!.
& im havin blisters nw. shi tong de lors.
pig used to gif miie plasters if he know my legs due to e heels.
but.. now.
on my way hme, my mind keep flashin all those memories wif pig.
&ii really misses e times wen ii first watch movie wif pig.
cus tat dae was really e best day of my life.
nw ii den realised hw much ii misses him.
reached hme, tears starts to fell down agns.
不管我走到哪里 我都想你
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