Hi people! Yours truly is back for updates again. I know my blog is getting boring uh. So sorry!
Trying to clear up my overdue post asap(:
Our 18 monthsary was quite a enjoyable one cus my babylove gave me a surprise.
but he did pissed me off from the start of the day.
Initially the night before, he told me he's gonna come down to fetch me! But as usual, he OVERSLEPT! *smack his butt*
So, being a "good" girlfriend, i even took cab down just to wake him up!
Tell me, how to not pissed off with him?
Waited for him to prepare and head out aftermath.
Then, he told me his stomach pain. -.-" And he needs to go to the Gents urgently.
So i shopped around at amk while waiting for him.
This is the surprise i got when he is back.
A Bouquet of 18 pink roses! My favourite colour :D
I was damn shocked luh! I didn't even expect anything from him! Felt damn surprise and loved!
thanks my dear(:
Headed to Liang Court. Baby brought me to a Japanese Italian resturant that we've never been before.

Lastly, always end your meal with a dessert!

Overall, i think their food is marvellous. And, for your info, their drinks comes with free flow(:

After our dinner, went to Plaza Sinq to meet up with Jasmine & Joseph to catch a late night movie entitled "Invintus". I don't really think is a nice movie. Ain't inspiring at all.
Took Night Rider home, Joseph was really kind enough to drive my boy home as taking cab home at that time is really ex luh!! Thanks ya(:
Alright, i'm done!
Going to call my boy and off to bed. I'm still coughing away~ Irritating!
Goodnights people~
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