Just reach home after dinner at Baby's crib(:
Yesterday was really an unlucky day for me. I lost my ear piece, this is the don't how many time i've lost my ear piece already.
What upset me the most is... the ear piece i lost was given to me by my boy.
And the next thing, i lost my ez link too! Fkkkkk!
What a day~
Meet up with my boy in the afternoon, went to do replacement for my ez link card. Moolahs gone on unneccesary things, Yes to me, doing another new ez link is wasting my money luh. But, what to do?
BB keep saying i'm a blur sotong, i admit i am one.
Things that i grab hold in my hand, it can gone missing without me realising it. That's how absent-minded i am.
After doing my ez link card replacement, headed to AMK's Jack's Place to have lunch.
After lunch, i'm feeling super tired so headed back to Baby's crib to take a nap.
Hasn't been getting enough sleep lately.
Dinner was fixed by BB(:
A few pics of us to end off this post.
Didn't took many pics cus i didn't put on any make up today.
On a side note, BB text me a sms saying " Are we going for a date this sat? ".
LOL, he must have thought that i forgotten about it.
On Sat, it's Mid-autuum festival and also it marks our 15 months anniversary.
Hahaha, silly boy, i didn't forget about our special day luh. Love you!
& see you tml, see theng!
Before i forget, today is Fann Wong and Christopher Lee wedding day, wish them " 新婚美满 ".
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