Hello there :D I'm back for updates again.
Am very happy today, because i managed to meet up wif my girlfriends(catherine & yuling) and at the same time i've my boyfriend to keep me company too.
In the afternoon, my boy came over to fetch me first then headed to AMK to do some stuff.
Supposed to reach HEEREN to support my girls for their singing audition at 6pm, but we reach there around 7plus. Couldn't managed to see them sing. I'm so sorry girls!
But the outcome is Catherine managed to get into the Semi-Finals. Congrats my dear!
Gonna head down next sat to support her too.
After that, we had our late dinner at Food Republic.
After dinner, wanted to go shop. But by then, almost all the shop have already closed.
Wah laos, why s'pore so sian one. why can't the shop open till late during wkends??
Although Town got late night shopping till 11, but only some of the shops does that. Zzz.
Did some catching up with my girls and headed back home aftermath(:
While on the way home, Baby and I met Huili under her Blk with "Ahem Ahem".. Haha.

Will do some overdue updates.
Overdue update 1
On Wednesday, accompany baby to dental clinic to removed his wisdom tooth.
He finally decided to visit the clinic and removed his wisdom tooth.
That poor boy, the pain that his wisdom tooth haunted him for months.
At times, he couldn't even sleep at night cause of the pain.
But am glad that finally he decided to removed it.
Now, all he can eat is Porridge.

So the next day, i wake up cook porridge for him and travelled to his house to gave him before i head to school.
Haha. I'm so sweet right? Baby said, 几感动一下 lo! Lol.
Overdue update 2
Tenth Monthsary Celebration
Had a very simple monthsary celebration.
Went to jurong point first, i bought a pair of shoe for Baby as monthsary present.

shoes from BeetleBug
while Baby bought me MAJOLICA mascara for me.

Did some shopping then headed over to his house to watch movie.
Headed to Cineleisure, had pastamania for dinner.

Pictures :D

SideTrack... Everyone is telling me that my boyfriend is really sweet to me, treat me really good, dote on me alot. Etc..
Chatted with Yuling, she tell me to treasure him, treat him good just like the way he treated me too. She even told me to change for the better for the sake of him and our relationship if i really plan to go furthur with him.
Yes, me and boyfriend have already make plans for our future.
We plan to go furthur. As what yuling told me is really true, i should really make a change to become better.
For those who don't know, i've a very bad temper and attitude.
I didn't treat my boyfriend really good like how he treated me.
I complained alot about him. I feel bad too when i treated him this way.
I guess, it's really time for me to make a change.
Someone please do me a favour and knock me real hard on the head and wake me up to really make a change. Yes, and i mean it.
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