ii know i've nt been bloggin for e past few daes.
sorry peepos but im here to blog for today alright.
schooling till 330pm everidae is almost driving me crazyy!.
wad a "wonderful" timetable tat has been planned by our "wonderful" schools. heh.
imagine larhs, nowadays e weather is so fucking hot , we've to sit in e classrm to do revisions paper & sweating like hell man.
i knows e sch is doing this for e sake of us BUT during tat time of e day is really damns warm cans?
so wad if we stay bac & do revisions?
as if we can concentrate wif tat kinda of environment la.
not only tat, we attend sch early in e morning but we ends everiting late in e afternoon.
by e time we reach, we'r already half-dead man!
arghh! we need rest seriously.
im not sayin tat tis plan doesn't works, but at least ends it earlier?
or mayb dun put everidae till 430? perhaps it'll b better for us?
this is e fourth dae of sch alreadi aft e sch terms had started.
& ii realised i've been slackin for e past half - yr.
due to sme stupid problems tat caused me unable to concentrate.
& ii really gt lots of tings to catch up. sighs.
ii really regretted for wasting my time. but is too late la.
all ii can do nw is to try my best to catch up all ii can.
ii really hate to do tings which makes me regrettin in e end. haiis.
peepos, pls gif me ur support.
ii shall upload sme stuff tat i've bought last wk.
xinyiGIRLFRIEND ask me upload e fotos, but ii din get e chance to upload it, shall upload it nw since i've e time.

ii bought shoes frm design & comfort .

ii find e design of it cute.

tis is e shoe ii bought, ke ai rite?


hp pouch frm mini toons.

though tat problem bout 'him' & me has already passed.
BUT honestly, ii've haven really 4get bout it.
im jus tryin to tell myself nt to tink bout it & distract my attention in other tings.
all tis while, i've really gt tat urge to msq him & call him.
smetimes im curious & wans to know hw he's doin nw.
i know ii shldn't even gif a damn bout him la, but i jus can't help myself.
ii really misses him.
&to youu.
dun try to mke urself to b like 'pig'.
u can nv replace him.
&there's no need for you to do tat.
cus no one can ever ever replaced him. get it?
i dun wish to argue wif u or wad, im tired to do tat too.
Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life
and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around
and I am so amazed
think about the little things
that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, don't go away,
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe,not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant I hope that it will stay
moment is perfect, please don't go away,
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by
It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's so beautiful
it makes you wanna cry
if u'r reading this,
ii really misses youu (: