It just happens that I've the feel to blog since last week. But well, I've been staring at this page for quite long & I've no idea what to blog or how i should start this post? Mia for quite awhile. been busy & super lazy D: Alright, this is my very first post of the year.
okay dokey, i shall just type what comes to my mind.
well, i just ended my last working shift ytd. kinda sad. i did not quit, is just that the contract of the shop ends is mid Feb(which is this week). Boss decided to end everything since the shop is not earning at all. So yup, I'm officially jobless. BOO. Working for them for almost a year plus, met lovable people. So many memories there. Oh well, I'm so gonna miss those days there.
Like what bf say, its time for me to move on with a new job, new environment. Been rather stress lately cus i've looking for new jobs but to no avail. sighs. Am i really too picky or what?! Pray that i'll find a new job soon, hopefully a job i really fancy. OKAY, i admit i'm really damn picky! :( hopefully, my money can last. *PRAY HARD*
alright, ireallyhavenoideawhattowritealreadyithinkishouldjuststophere. LOL.
Hopefully my next post will be filled with more pictures instead of a junk of nonsense.
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