Greetings to my readers(:
Feel like doing a summation of my 2010.
2010, Officially Graduated from Bukit Batok ITE. Met this gal, she is the only
chinese gal(including me) in the class. Thanks for being my companion during
my ITE school life & not forgetting Peng Hock, the best guy classmate i ever had.
2010, I decided to forsake my studies first & settle down with a job first. My
very first job was a sales girl at one of the pushcart in WestMall. And that was
when i got to know this pretty malaysian Babe! Unfortunately, this job didn't last long.

2010, our relationship marks another year. celebrated our 2 year anni @ Ma
Masion. This was when i received a bouquet of 9 roses from bb(:
2010, I hit 20! The usual girlfriends of mine celebrated my birthday @ Benten Box.
(next was ST birthday, but i dun have those photos with me) T.T
2010, Visited the museum of horrors with boyfriend & my girlfriends on
2010, Last but Not least, Ah Cat's BIG 2's was celebrated @ Xin Wang Cafe!
2010, clubbing @ Rebel/Zirca. This was the night that i make a fool out of
myself. Haha!
& finally i'm settled down with a job. Currently a sales girl at 8bit!
AND AND AND, i met this wonderful babe, Grace wong(:
Overall, 2010 could be good if only there were no unhappy events on the way, but yea, ups & down is unavoidable. the only good thing is, my dearest bf is still here with me! Not forgetting, YL, Cat & ST! We'r still keeping in touch yea. =p
I made new friends eversince i started working, i lost some on the way. This makes me learned that i can have many friends but only those TRUE ones will never abandon you.
Anyhow, i've also had alot of hardcore lessons thru those obstacles.
As for achivements? I think i never achive anything except for those experiences i gain thru my working life?
Anyway, Happy new year people! May everything goes smoothly this year! HUAT AH~
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