well, a yr has passed. a new yr has started. omg, it's reallis damns fast!.
ii treat is as a new begininng for miie.
sko0l g0nna reopen le, ii've to bucked upp wiif my studiies le. no more slackin le!.
cus tis yr im tkin 'o' lvls le. ii've alreadiis wasted one yr playin, ii dunch wish to continue lyk tis le.
so iif u find tat im slackin, pls gif miie a kn0ck on my head. LOls!.
alrite, it's a brand new yr. ii h0pe everting will b alright throughout e whole yr.
& ii hope to 4get all e sad memoriis ii've, even th0ugh iim still broodin over it.
it's hard to 4get in such a short time, ii still nd time.
but im still waitin, ii'll continue to wait de.
alriite, tok bout ytd countdown bahs.
mit upp wiif huili , chia yee & kelly at bout 5 plus.
we went to jp mac to makan first.
den saw kok wah kor kor & hong zhan.
they oso goins boon lay.(butt ii din saw dem)
den aft tat we headed to boon lay, jing hong came to join us aft tatt.
we met al0t 0f frens there.
it's FUN!.
shan't p0st m0re b0ut ytd, (lazii)*
haas, oh ya. ii saw nicholas there too. lalalas.
thanks ppl for those new yr wishes sent.
& ii f0und out smethin, kelvin kor kor gt gf le. butt he nv tell miie.
ii f0und ytd wen his gf uses his hp to send miie e wishes.
humphs, wadd kinda of kor kor is tis?. bo xim!!
hahas. craps.
alrite. shall endd here le.
nites everybodis.

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