oh well, ii went to skool t0 tke my 'n' lvls social studles paper wiif huili t0dae. and oh man, jus get d0wn frm bus & rain start p0urin!. we waited at e bus st0p fer awhile den run to sko0l in e rain. haiis, ii hate gettln wet!. den e paper started at 2pm. wen ii gt e paper, turn to e SEQ page & guess wadd?. wadd ii studied for din came outt. -.-!!! nvm, alreadi over le.
ii heard b0utt a bad news tatt mkes miie feel sad over it. a sec 1 guy hu has been fightin wif a illness has jus came bac to sko0l met wiif an car accident???!!. oh my god. ii can't believe it!. and e accldent happens near our sko0l de mac. den ii read thr0ugh e newspaper b0utt it too. feel lyk cryin after readin it. jus feel sad, y he still can't run awae frm death?. well, perhaps his lifes is fated to b lyk tis bahs. went to frlendster jus nw, ii saw jun rong viewed my profile. wth!. y b0ther t0 cum view my profile?. hate him lors. and he put his profile to th0se in his frens list den cans view. wadd e. nvm, ii oso dunch wish to view lahs. jus h0pe he get his retributions.
oh ya, ii received a v.weird call jus nw. e conversation is lyk tiis. guy:hellos, r u xueli?. miie:yes, ii am.guy:iim callin frm ''blah, blah, blah'' company(can't rmb e company name). u r still studyin nw but havin a holidae rite nw?. miie: oh ya, iim havin a holidae nw.guy:my company is lookln for students to work in our company. u r invited to cum to our company for a interview.miie:errms, may ii n0e hw u got my no.?.guy:do u rmb takin any survey at t0wn.miie:errms. tlnk so?.guy:okaes, cans u cum down tml for interview?.miie:cans ii tlnk a boutt it first.guy:errms, ii nd to flxed e tlme.miie:cans ii mke it on thurs?.(actualli ii dun intend to g0)guy:sure.cans u tke a piece of paper & pen to write down e address. tke down my no. as well.miie:okaes.guy:alriite, c ya on thurs.miie:bye.actualli i dun rmb takin ani survey. ii feel tat its weird. ii tink tat e person is lyin bahs. nvm, ii wont go de. but ii jus feel weird. hw did e person get my no. actualli?.alriite, shall end here. andrew, get well soon!.
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