Monday, September 25, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
BEEN outt alm0st e wh0le dae ytd!. g0 mit him at je, iim late alm0st m0re than half an hr norhs. sorii ferr waiting. den he nt in a gd mood, ii oso dun0 wadd t0 d0 oso. den peii him go arcade play, watch he play onlii, ii din play. hais. den we ard 5 plus jiu leave e place. he nd to rush to orchard to mit his frens at 530 den go b'dae party. although he's gonna b late le, butt he still peii miie go hme. thanks aniwae & thanks ferr tatt presents too.
h0nestly, sometlmes ii reali dun0 understandd eu. eu sae eu dun0s wadd iim thinkin boutt smetlmes, butt actualli ii oso dun0 wad eu'r thinkin boutt too. eu sae ii treat u nt gd?. den hw eu wanna miie t0 treat u?. cans eu jus tell miie , ii reali dun0s larhs. yarhhs, t0 u , u may tink tatt ii alwaes fa xiao jie pi qi. butt ii feel tatt ii din. iim sorii , iif u feel tatt ii did. haiis.
t0 all my frens outt dere , iim flne. dunch worii b0utt miie!. thanks ferr all e concern. XUELI, pls wake upp le larhs. STOP dreamin le larhs!!!. iim slappin myself t0 wake myself uppp! ii even feel lyk bangin myself to e wall lors. XUELI WAKE UP, WAKE UP!... alriite, shall end here.
** susanna nu er, dunch angrii le larhs. dunch bother boutt all th0se ppl larhs. dey are jus being childishh. marmiie misses eu!.
h0nestly, sometlmes ii reali dun0 understandd eu. eu sae eu dun0s wadd iim thinkin boutt smetlmes, butt actualli ii oso dun0 wad eu'r thinkin boutt too. eu sae ii treat u nt gd?. den hw eu wanna miie t0 treat u?. cans eu jus tell miie , ii reali dun0s larhs. yarhhs, t0 u , u may tink tatt ii alwaes fa xiao jie pi qi. butt ii feel tatt ii din. iim sorii , iif u feel tatt ii did. haiis.
** susanna nu er, dunch angrii le larhs. dunch bother boutt all th0se ppl larhs. dey are jus being childishh. marmiie misses eu!.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Saturday, September 16, 2006
well, actualli few daes ag0 gt al0t of tlngs wanna p0st de. butt n0 tlme t0 p0st. flrstly, t0k b0utt my prelim bahs. prelim ended ytd, indeed qulte fast de. e results, ii dunch wlsh t0 n0e. ytd, last paper is art. aft e paper, ms h0e call miie, shengli& kailing. she asks us h0nestly did we put in effort in tis prelim paper. e 3 of us tell her we didn't. den she t0ld us, she gt frens t0ld her tatt e n lvls exams ferr our art coursewk is pretty gd, so whether if we wans do well ferr it, depends on e paper 2 le. tlnk ii nd t0 d0 well ferr my art paper 2 le!. mushh jiia y0us!. nw jus get to online. g0 frlendster jus nw, gt frlend request & guess hu added miie?. my classmate OW YEW TINN!. aiiy0s, din n0e tatt he gt frlendster. andd hls pr0file & f0t0s s0 funni lors. haha.

well, c0untd0wn t0 alm0st 2 wks t0 n lvls le. haiis. left so less daes. HOW How how siia!. so stress!. god pls help miie. ii reali wanna d0 well ferr my n lvls. tml goin outt wiif e ''BIG BULLI''. L0ls. tlnk peii him g0 queens way buy cl0thes bahs. lalala~ actualli ii wanna g0 watch movie de. butt den he ytd & t0dae alreadi g0 watch le. dunch tlnk he wanna watch agn tml bahs. alriite, shall endd here le.
tata ~

tata ~
Monday, September 11, 2006

t0 tatt anonymous !. pls replii miie. hw u n0e tat is tat place?. thanks. & hon tat sorii ferr disturbin u in e mid nite. my hp hp sot sot de, so sorrii.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
bac to bloggin agn . =))
well , tatt person hu called miie t0 ask miie t0 g0 ferr e intervlew. keep callin miie on thursdae & even msg miie too. although my intervlew is 2pm , he called miie frm 11 till 2 lors. siiao de leis. den ii buay ta han , ii switch off my hp !. den ii t0t he will stop . nv n0e tatt he continued called miie 0n frldae . wth . den ii oso nv answered larhs . tat person damns irritatin larhs , lyk forcin miie t0 go lors . den he msg miie sae wadd , e interview won't tke long de den keep askin miie wen cans ii mke it agn . diiao !. -.-!!! . ii dun even n0e wadd klnda of company is tatt & im reali nt interested .

tlme reali passes damns fast . left one m0re dae , e sept holidaes gonna end le . sigh . *** prelim gonna start wen we return to sko0l . gonna studii hard le . tiis few daes klnda of havin a moodswlng larhs . dun0 wadd im tryin t0 do oso , feels so lost larhs . im lyk so lost in a world of my own lors . i gt to found out smethin & ii reali damns pissed off . ii din sae out , ii jus kept quiet . ii kept quiet doesn't mean ii dun bother . st0p actin as if u r reali v.ke lians larhs . ur ke lians looks mkes miie feel lyk vomitin .
alriite shall ends here le . may nt be bloggin tml !.
takkaiire =))))

takkaiire =))))
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

guy:hellos, r u xueli?.
miie:yes, ii am.
guy:iim callin frm ''blah, blah, blah'' company(can't rmb e company name). u r still studyin nw but havin a holidae rite nw?.
miie: oh ya, iim havin a holidae nw.
guy:my company is lookln for students to work in our company. u r invited to cum to our company for a interview.
miie:errms, may ii n0e hw u got my no.?.
guy:do u rmb takin any survey at t0wn.
miie:errms. tlnk so?.
guy:okaes, cans u cum down tml for interview?.
miie:cans ii tlnk a boutt it first.
guy:errms, ii nd to flxed e tlme.
miie:cans ii mke it on thurs?.(actualli ii dun intend to g0)
guy:sure.cans u tke a piece of paper & pen to write down e address. tke down my no. as well.
guy:alriite, c ya on thurs.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
den miie & my brother takkin sme f0t0s at dere too. we damns bo liiaos, ii noes. LOLS!. ii shall post some , e rest shall kept nt to b exposed!. haha.

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