yeah , iim bac here agn. its been a week since ii last updated. oh god, ii've been so stress over my art c0ursewk lors. stayin bac in sko0l alm0st e wh0le wk till b0utt 9 plus to 10!. damned siians lors. h0nestly , ii regret takin art larhs. ii've t0 sacrifices so much of my time doin it. ii feel lyk givin up nw larhs, cus ii've art, ii've neglects my other subjects. haiis. 4get it, nw regrets oso n0 use le. ii'll at least try to finished it bahs. well, t0k b0utt t0dae. ii went t0 cut my fringe todae wiif besties jiia huii. haas, ii l0ve e times spend wiif my besties!. LOLs. she oso cut her fringe, she look nice wiif tatt kinda fringe. haas. alrite, t0k b0utt tatt blur s0t0ng bahs. s0meh0wly, ii've alreadi 4g0tten b0utt him le. so all my dear frens, dunch worii le. ii've alreadi 4g0tten b0utt him le. ii w0n't tink b0utt him anim0re le. butt ii'll nv 4get hw he've hurts miie de. actualli ii reali bu gan xin lors. hate him loads!. ii h0pe he's readin tiis siia. oh ya, he still dare cum view my friendster pr0file. oh my goodness!. he's a hum ji kiia, a jerk, a basturd!. phew, h0pe ii won't get t0 knw an0ther person hu's same lyk him oso bahs. may god bless!. shall p0st till here ferr t0dae. tml hab t0 d0 art agn!. siiansssss... nites all.
my fringe so short !.
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