My thoughts..

All alonq i've always thought i've forgotten bout e past.
Due to coincidence, i met him 3times in a row on e streets.
whenever i met him, e past of me & him, e hurt he brought for me will jus immediately flash thru my mind.
Thouqh e matter already past for bout 1yr, but my hate for him is still there.
i really hate him to the core.
And e moment wen he saw me, he will jus try to escape. why?
guilty conscience i supposed?
i see loneliness in him everytime wen i saw him.
serve him riqht, perhaps its his retribution ba.
Aft this incident, i brace up myself and move on.
BUt.. i did told myself never ever allow others like him hurt me like what he did to me.
&yet, i failed to do so.
nvm, the past is past.
i will take it as i was too naive in the past ba.
MIND YOU, im still living fine YOU BASTARD!
if i can, i hope to give you a tight slap.
Carry a torch for someone is really a torture.
i've someone in my mind for a lonq time already but so what?.
Nothing is turninq out right between us.
Distance between us is just drifting furthur & furthur apart.
we'r no lonqer that close like what we use to be.
i miss the times we always picking up a quarrel with each other, de-siaoing each other.
it's been almost a month since we last met.
all this while, i was always wondering what have you been doing.
now, i rather u come & find me and pick up a quarrel with me.
i rather u do this, at least it will close up the distance we had now.
hope u r doinq fine now.
perhaps there might be someone who's now by urself taking care, caring for you more than i do ba.
i'm still waiting for you.
do take care.
this few days, its really a hard time for me.
i just feel so stress up, losing temper easily.
i also see thru people true colours.
i'm kinda of disappointed.
i then realised even if i treat someone as someone important to me, that person might not treat u as important too.
u might share good things with them, but they might not share good things they had with you.
or otherwise, they will share it with some others instead.
nevermind, at least i know i did treat them as someone important to me.
if they don't treat me as someone important to them, then so be it.
humans being r selfish by nature.
i had enough of everything, i do need a break seriously.
anything got jobs pls PM need, i'm in need of money urgently.
bye all((:
i asked myself am i happy with what i had now?
seriously, i don't.
my life is still missing of colours.
我还在等你 .
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