sup people ((:
i knows my bloq is rottinq & full of dust already.
pardon me for that cus this few days i'm real busy & thus neglect my blog for quite a lonq time.
&here i am to clear the dust. shoo shoo.
oh ya, if u people r interested bout my final decision, i've already made up my mind
i went down to bukit batok to appeal for transfer to electronics course.
yup, i'll be studyinq in bukit batok.
i've already think real hard before makin this decision, i hope my decision is nt wrong & i hope i won't regret.
thanks for those who voted & gave me ur opinions.
alot of people did say e course i'm enrolled into is a popular course in ite.
many of them r dyin to get into digital media effect course.
& since i got in already, why i still chose to give up?
e reason is v.simple.
i followed my heart. ((:
my heart told me to give up & chose electronics instead.
i know v.clearly myself, if i study digital media effect course, i might die that course & i won't be able to do well too.
alright alright, since i've already made up my mind, i shan't brood over it anymore.
at last, i put down the heavy load that i've been carryin all this days. phew**
whatever it is, i won't turn bac anymore.
hope everything turns out fine.
i'm not really looking forward to the new life in ite.
SIANS ahhh !
anyway, thanks catherine bao bao for accompanyin down ytd. ((:
aft settling everythin at e campus, me & bao bao headed to town.
had our late lunch at centrepoint.
then went to far east, me & bao bao bought a t-shirt each.
oh my, T-SHIRT AGNS??!!
my wardrobe is full of lots of T-SHIRTS already! heh. -.-
but the t-shirt is cute luhs.
then we also bought jackets too.
yay! finally bought the jackets i've been eyeing for.
my eye-liner has run out.
& i went to lots of shop to search for silky girls black eye-liner, but all were sold out!
then headed bac to jp hoping to got it, but were also out of stock. -.-
so i bought maybelline's instead.
chit-chat wif cat bao bao abit then headed home.
enjoyed the days spent with cat bao bao.
i really hope even if aft we walked diff path, we'll still hab time for each other.
& mit up for shopping sessions!
loves ya girl ((=
way back thenit was a sunday (=
supposed to met up wif my bestie for shopping.
but but she las mins gt smethin on.
so she was feeling guilty, &decided to pei me on sunday instead. haha.
so sweet of her! LOL.
we headed to bugis first, went shoppin ard.
bought T-shirts. i know, T-shirt agains. heh.
nth interests us, so we headed to chinatown.
CHINATOWN? yes, its chinatown.
i knw, to many ppl. chinatown = a hangout place for oldfolks.
hey, who say teenagers like us cnt go there huh?
there gt many nice nice food lo.
we headed there, wanting to find e pushcart tat we both bought our dress frm.
but sad to say, e pushcart has been closed down. -.-

had chicken porridge & chicken wings for dinner.
then headed for home.

alriqht, i'm done with bloqqing. ((:
do come bac for more.
bye people.